More lawsuit emails

By:  Diane Benjamin

I filed the Freedom of Information lawsuit because the City denied 3 requests within about 2 weeks.  Obviously they were hiding something, the biggest being Tari again calling people he doesn’t agree with “off their meds”.

I received some others I didn’t expect, like Scott Black saying nobody important reads this site:

Then there is this classic from Joni Painter wanting to charge me for transparency:

The judge reviewed a huge stack of emails and instructed the City to send me a big stack.  They “accidentally” sent it to an address in Cooksville instead of Ellsworth.  The judge didn’t seem to believe me when I filed a contempt complaint against the City for not complying with her order.  The City lawyer claimed the stack was sent, so the judge didn’t hold them accountable.  Now the City will be in contempt again very soon if they don’t pay me what the judge ordered.  Maybe this time she will believe me.

I wanted you to see the email below.  The conversation was about the library expansion.  The library board wanted an east-side branch, Tari didn’t.  Jim Fruin was upset the Council hadn’t discussed the issue – Tari just nixed the idea because he wants people downtown.  Something about the library was printed in the Pantagraph that Fruin wasn’t aware of.  He asked Tari when the Council had made that decision.  The library had spent around $20,000 on consultants already.

The point is:  This email says where Tari learns how to be mayor.  I’m sure you feel relieved he has such a fine instructor.


3 thoughts on “More lawsuit emails

  1. “accidently” , yeah right and the sun rises in the north too. They intentionally likely did that hoping you wouldn’t do anything.

    Renner, he wants so bad to build up downtown Bloomington like Normal does. Hoping to be his legacy if I had to guess.

    Why the voter’s in Normal put up with Koos and his eternal spending is beyond me. I wonder what massive debt they are accumulating.

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