Fly on the Wall: Can the Pantagraph get any worse?

I know all - I see all
I know all – I see all
[email protected]

Yesterday:  The Pantagraph asks former State’s Attorney candidate Jane Foster to comment on how the Assistant Chief Bob Wall case was handled.  Ms. Foster fought the current State’s Attorney Jason Chambers in the primary last year.  Were they trying to get negative comments to take Chambers down?  There weren’t any other lawyers in town to ask?

Today:  Associated Press headline on the front page:  Fla. man released following verdict.  Released from what?  He wasn’t in jail, he was out on bond.  He was found Not Guilty.  Maybe the Associated Press and Pantagraph coverage is why people are upset about the verdict.  Facts have a nasty way of changing perspectives, but then you won’t get them from AP or the Pantagraph.

2 thoughts on “Fly on the Wall: Can the Pantagraph get any worse?

  1. the question is not “how worse can the pantagraph get but how worse can this country get!

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