The area Communists

by: Diane Benjamin

Today there is a letter to the editor in the Pantagraph that Marxists, Communists, and progressives will love. The title is “Flat tax unfair to the poor”.

I could start with “Life isn’t fair”, put the concept goes much deeper. 2112668

History lesson:

America has had a revolutionary effect on the WORLD! Through most of human history people have gone hungry, many many people have starved to death. Hunger was normal, not the exception. Then suddenly America was thriving and people no longer starved. What was the secret? The American people threw off the shackles of political oppression allowing it’s citizens to rise above bare economic sustenance. As late as 1840 the Irish were starving, parts of Africa still are. Why are parts of Africa not able to feed their people?  Do their leaders play a role?

What made the difference for us was the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Both documents guarantee every citizens an equal chance – not an equal outcome. Obviously our current government is political oppression. The IRS targets enemies of the government, the NSA collects data on all of us, and yes – we have a progressive income tax at the federal level. Schools are indoctrination centers , or for inner city youth – not much more than babysitting.   The letter writer wants Illinois to adopt a progressive tax, because a flat tax is unfair to the poor.

Is a progressive income tax fair to the rich? Why does government have a right to steal a higher percentage of the income of the rich? Where is that in the Constitution? The individual citizens has no value to the letter writer, unless they are the poor. The rights of prosperous people are immaterial – he wants wealth re-distribution, social justice. In other words, we are all members of a collective where wealth must be shared by government force. The entire American system of economic and political freedom that allowed millions of people since 1776 to rise above starvation into prosperity is assaulted by a progressive income tax.

Are we a country now doing what’s good for the collective, or is individual liberty still valued? Progressives have been assaulting the Constitution for over 100 years. A vast majority of Americans believe our best days are behind us. A progressive income tax guarantees it.

Final note:  Government can NEVER have too much money.  They always want more.  Feeding their desires eliminates the desires of the citizens.

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