Who is City Manager David Hales?

Type “Hales” in the search box for TONS more information!

by Diane Benjamin

Don’t jump to the end –  it will say where this information is from, but have fun reading until then!

All quotes:

In both previous evaluations, the council said Hales exceeded expectations, rating him an average of 3.9 out of 5 in eight areas of job performance.

In the January 2003 evaluation, which the council has agreed to provide as his most recent performance review to prospective future employers, councilors laud Hales for his integrity and hard work.

When asked, two councilors said they had no concerns about Hales’ performance during his first year on the job.

In the November 2003 review, city staff and councilors gave Hales failing grades for his work in the areas of leadership, communication and organization.

One manager called Hales ‘the worst leader I have been around, bar none,’ in a 30-year career.

The manager said Hales often went around department heads when making a decision.  In one case the observer said Hales stopped a major project in his department without discussing it first.

‘(David Hales) has not elicited from department heads a sense of teamwork in approaching city issues.  Discussions often take place, but we seldom, if ever, leave the discussion with a concrete sense of specific policy questions and recommended actions to be considered by the city council…This is the analysis-paralysis syndrome,” wrote one manager.

‘David has a hard time taking a position on controversial issues,’ wrote one councilor in the evaluation.  ‘It is difficult to know where David is coming from.  He appears adverse to taking the initiative on matters that are well within his authority to do so.’

Another councilor observed that David was a ‘nice person’ but seemed to focused on minor issues.

Some of the department heads has difficulty adjusting to his management style, Hales said.

Not everyone gave Hales low marks.

One manager said the Hales has ‘improved’ the city.

Another praised Hales for his approach to management and his depth of knowledge.

The majority of comments from staff and council, however, centered around what reviewers said was Hales’ inability to work with department heads, take strong positions and move past details to policy level decisions.

These quotes were written after David Hales left as City Manager in Bend Oregon. It looks like the local newspaper had to sue to get records released.  Evaluations completed in 2002 and early 2003 showed Hales exceeded expectations,  but by November 2003 Hales was given failing grades.  Quote: “Former City Manager David Hales’ fall from grace at Bend City Hall was swift, dramatic and largely unforeseen”

It’s funny that government acts just like other sectors when an employee leaves under cloudy circumstances:  We won’t say anything bad about you – just go!

Read the whole report here:  Hales-Bend Oregon




5 thoughts on “Who is City Manager David Hales?

  1. Hales is a failure. It is way past time for the Mayor and City Council to terminate Hales employment. Bloomington is not getting it’s monies worth out of Hales.

  2. Frankly, I like David as a person. I think I totally misread him from the start, when he first moved here and for quite some time after that. I’ve talked to him several times about those golden years when President Reagan was leading our country and he agreed with me and came across as very Conservative for our American Heritage and Christian values. Thankfully Diane Benjamin with the BLN News has pointed out the truth about David, I guess I was not wanting to see that he certainly is not what I thought he was. I even went to David’s Mormon church for a while where he even took part in my Mormon baptism. I guess another reason I liked him so well was because he reminded me of an uncle I had years ago when I was younger. As far as Tari Renner, he never fooled me from the start. After he lost the run for Mayor against Steve Stockton Tari and I ate at Michaels Restaurant and I explained to him that I did not vote for him nor would I vote for him because we are on opposite ends politically but I’m glad to be his friend. I was glad that Diane Benjamin brought out about him speaking at Camp Obama in 2007 to help then Senator Obama get elected as President because this showed what a left-wing Progressive Obama follower Renner really is, unfortunately though he got elected as our Mayor, even though I urged as many people in Bloomington as I could to not vote for him because we do not need this kind of left-wing Socialist city government. Now that he has been elected he proudly proclaims that he is a “Democrat” and with the track record that Democrat leadership has, I just hope that he does not turn our city into a little Detroit!

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