Pantagraph bombs out again, but what’s new

By:  Diane Benjamin

Today’s Editorial (written by a no-name person) laments lobbyists in Springfield.  Elected officials leave office and become lobbyists for State funds, the paper wants it to end.

Pantagraph:  What is the difference between a State lobbyist and your brand of media lapping at government’s feet?  Is your building in downtown Bloomington still for sale?  Are you backing spending downtown, oh, like a hotel?  What candidates are you going to support?  The ones who think downtown is the future?  How many of your phone lines have the City on speed dial?  When was your last editorial critical of Bloomington, with the exception of the setup you did for Renner?

I don’t see a difference.  Both you and lobbyists want to make a living off government.  Get a mirror.

Evidently you aren’t fact checking Letters to the Editor.  Several over the past few days call Hauman serious about tax dollars, implying she is a conservative.  Pantagraph:  Name just one spending motion she has voted NO on.  I’m waiting . . . still waiting . . .I will be waiting a LONG time.

When are you going to officially endorse the Renner candidates?  I’m sure the few readers you have left are anxiously awaiting marching orders.



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