Moving Expenses, Toters, and You-FOIA

By:  Diane Benjamin

Below are some interesting items approved for payment at the last City Council meeting.

Bills and Payroll – 5/26/15

Moving expenses for the new City Clerk from Nevada:

CHERRY LAWSON 00000 INV 04/30/2015 MVNG EXP NV 4/15 115554

1 10011310 70632 CtyClerk Pro Develp 2,604.55

Invoice Net 2,604.55


That’s pretty cheap considering you paid WHEATON WORLD WIDE MOV $3,975.89 to move Deputy City Manager Steve Rasmussen from Missouri.


A few months ago, Jim Karch (Public Works) gave the inventory of toters on hand.  This looks like supplies of one size was running low, so they bought more.

Side note:  City officials didn’t realize that most citizens would opt for the smallest and cheapest garbage can, thus the solid waste deficit and excess inventory of large cans.  These are the same people who think they can negotiate a downtown deal to level buildings without adversely affecting taxpayers.   

2619 REHRIG PACIFIC COMPANY 00001 20150381 INV 04/30/2015 ME160511BL039R 115215

1 54404400 71087 Sol Waste Toters 17,719.10

Invoice Net 17,719.10

CHECK TOTAL 17,719.10


The purchase price of the Sugar Creek Packing property was $245,000.  What is this?  Somebody want to FOIA this payment?  All you have to do is send an email to: [email protected]

3408 SECURITY FIRST TITLE C 00000 20150288 INV 05/12/2015 SGR CRK PURCH 5/15 114981

1 40100100 72510 Cap Improv Land 216,013.24

Invoice Net 216,013.24

CHECK TOTAL 216,013.24



3 thoughts on “Moving Expenses, Toters, and You-FOIA

  1. Worse yet, City Council ignored the recommendation of the Professional analyst the citizens payed for.

  2. It appears that the Pcard is treated like a slush fund. Need a new drill go buy one just where ever.

    The city manager to let this endless buying going on needs to be booted right out the door. There is no expense control from what I see. Different departments buying supplies from different places.

    How many parties and celebrations are the taxpayers paying for? Just incredible what is going on at city hall.

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