Dukowitz: What we already knew

By:  Diane Benjamin

Since no charges have been or will be filed against Fistbump for knocking on Nora Dukowitz’s door, I attempted again to get an un-redacted copy of the police report she filed.  See this post for what I previously received:  http://blnnews.com/2015/05/28/nora-dukowitz-the-police-report/

The information I received this time remains redacted, but I do have some new parts:  (click picture to enlarge)


It’s pretty easy to determine what is blacked out.  It’s also obvious that NO CRIME WAS COMMITTED.

Diana Hauman:  Where is your apology?  Did Renner convince you a felony was committed?

If yes, you are unfit to serve on the Council.  We know from Renner’s comment’s that he is unfit, but your support of him and your refusal to apologize makes you equally as bad for walking out during public comment.

Renner can’t protect you from hearing from Cities 92.9 spokespersons in the future.

Let’s see if a law is broken tonight.  Read up Tari, I’ll be watching.

I can’t wait to see if you walk out again Diana, and if you take anybody with you.




3 thoughts on “Dukowitz: What we already knew

  1. I wonder how much this cost the taxpayers on this foolishness.

    Yeah the officer likely knew if this went to court the judge would just laugh at him.

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