Court Update :)

By:  Diane Benjamin

Today I was in court again with my case against the City of Bloomington concerning the Coliseum.  This time the City declared they won’t fight my rights to the documents, but they don’t have them.

The lawyer for CIAM must not know Executive Sessions (the City’s secret meetings) are supposed to be a secret!  He babbled on about meeting with the Council last Monday and being told the City wasn’t going to defend my case.  He almost sounded like the meeting got heated.

So, for more than a year the City has refused my Freedom of Information requests, and now they admit defeat.  That defeat comes even before the case is heard.

Anyway, I won the right to the hearing on Friday – complete the City Manager David Hales testifying under oath!  Before that happens, I have to defeat one more motion from the Coliseum lawyer – a Motion to Dismiss.   I will just say I’m not worried about it.

The hearing is at 9:00 am Friday in Courtroom 5D.  Citizens are welcome to attend!  What will Hales think while testifying before a room full of taxpayers?  (Today I had two present)

The Law and Justice Center isn’t a scary place, but you will have to go through security.  I suggest not wearing a belt – I wore one once that set off the metal detector.  Take the elevator to the fifth floor, take a right – it’s the last courtroom on the right.




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3 thoughts on “Court Update :)

  1. I have lived around here most of my life and I don’t quite get this sacred cow treatment that this Clownisium gets. It seems like they will do everything possible to keep it afloat at any expense. Even if it means closing golf courses, cut funding for the BCPA, etc. to funnel funds into that money pit. The city manager is probably eager as all get up to sell Highland for a huge sum of money. In my opinion he needs to be shown the door ASAP.

    I really think Bloomington got in over it’s head over the Clownisium and from there on out they have had nothing but budget problems. Streets are a mess and no telling what condition the sewers and other infrastructure are in from neglect and under funding. Why the taxpayers don’t see this is beyond me.

    If I was able to run for mayor the first item on my to do list would be to get rid of that Clownisium. I wouldn’t care what it cost. Sell it at a loss or what ever it takes to offload it. I don’t know how many comments I’ve seen saying they can’t do that. I don’t believe that at all! Next on my list would be to terminate that city manager. Here’s the payoff now get out of town before I have you arrested for anything possible on the books.

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