CIRA getting a new website

By:  Diane Benjamin

Central Illinois Regional Airport wanted a new website, mostly to comply with laws concerning required postings.

As I stated in this article:

$50,000 was a ridiculous amount for a website.  The bids received showed that.  At the August meeting a company was selected:

cirawebThe minutes state CIRA wants to “own the code”.  I hope they realize that owning the code is useless if the website is written in a language not commonly used.  If The Quotient Group goes out of business or decides in 5 years not to support the language they used, major changes to the site could mean re-writing the entire program.

Technology is changing rapidly.  I hope they asked the right questions before awarding the bid.

The minutes are available at:

See the “About CIRA” tab.




One thought on “CIRA getting a new website

  1. “I hope they asked the right questions before awarding the bid.” Hahahaha-hardy-har-har! Stuffed shirts never ask the right questions when they’re spending other peoples’ money, Wishful thinking.

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