UPDATE: Stanford: Still being suspicious

See this followup story:  https://blnnews.com/2016/11/03/more-on-stanfords-actions/

By:  Diane Benjamin

Stanford is so small, the Board has a husband and wife serving?  Seriously?


The Board wanted a house at 310 N. Kathleen torn down.  Instead of bidding demolition, this happened:

From the 6/16/16 meeting:  http://stanfordil.org/id514.html

All bids were requested under the Freedom of Information Act, this entry from the minutes is the only document received. That means bids were not taken for this project.

Brad Hinch’s company was paid for the demolition, note the presentation said “total removal”.
checkThat check didn’t cover the complete removal.  A special meeting was held on 9/29/16.

From the minutes: http://stanfordil.org/id527.html
Taxpayers now have up to $10,000 invested in the property.

On the agenda for the 10/20/16 meeting was more spending on the property:  http://stanfordil.org/id524.html




Finally, even more troubling is the possible connection between 2 Board members (husband and wife) and the guy who got the job without bids for demolition:



For citizens to have confidence in their government, transparency and avoiding the appearance of cronyism is required.

Stanford failed to bid this project.  Was the job awarded to a relative of current Board members?

Somebody should ask.





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