What if Unit 5 did this? CPS did!

By:  Diane Benjamin

Should schools practice partisan politics?  What if Unit 5 sent a letter home with every student blaming Chris Koos’s TIF districts for stealing money from them?  It would be true, but should they do it?  Of course, Unit 5 had to agree to the TIF districts, so it’s not totally Koos’s fault.

See this letter sent home with students in the City of Chicago, it was written by CEO of the Chicago Public Schools:



Note this letter doesn’t say a word about elected Democrats. It is strictly a partisan attack on Republicans.

From the CPS ethics code:  http://cps.edu/About_CPS/Policies_and_guidelines/documents/CPSCodeofEthics.pdf

ethics3ethics2ethicsI filed (and MANY others) an ethics complaint against Forrest Claypool. Evidently the Chicago Public Schools doesn’t have any ethics, today I received a response:  (click to enlarge)


2 thoughts on “What if Unit 5 did this? CPS did!

  1. Since the Legal Department of CPS likely reports up through the CEO, shouldn’t they refer this to outside counsel to review? It is clearly political action and Democrats would be outraged if this was sent criticizing Madigan and Cullerton.

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