Monday should be Bye Bye PCard

By: Diane Benjamin

According to the paper, Tari paid $30 back to the City for his $28 charge while on “medical related leave”.  He claims he didn’t want it to be an issue.  Is it too difficult to not whip out the card to pay Tari?  The controversy is YOUR fault.

If the Council approves the ordinance Monday, he won’t be able to anymore.  See PDF page 288 and following:

The plan has a couple of problems though.  First:  PDF page 292

If the City enforces the reimbursement policy, why are periodic audits needed?

It’s almost like the City is admitting they aren’t going to do their job!

PDF page 294:

Enforcement of rules for reimbursement make any further actions immaterial. The real question is: Will the City posts Tari’s expense reports, or will every one of them required a FOIA?

Then there is this gem:

Does this mean taxpayers will still be feeding the Council and staff?

The City schedules meetings at 5:00 or 5:30 KNOWING people might show up hungry.  It is THEIR fault for scheduling a meeting at this time.  It isn’t the job of taxpayers to feed anybody because the City scheduled a meeting at dinnertime.  The first two sentences say it’s fine to feed the Council, the last sentence says it isn’t.  Which is it?  Will “I’m hungry” be a valid reason?

I didn’t realize the pizza or sandwiches qualify as a “catered meal”.  

I hope somebody clarifies the policy.  The first meeting Monday starts at 5:00.  Somebody drop in and see if food is served please.





10 thoughts on “Monday should be Bye Bye PCard

  1. Feeding people is a courtesy that is being grossly misused. Funny, when I was a kid in school we’d pack a lunch (paid for by parents barely getting by) for when we got hungry.

  2. If Kevin Lower was elected mayor instead, this council would crucify him for the illegal use of the P-card and demand that (Hillary) Renner be anointed to the position. I think that it is more than coincidence that democrats and demon-rats are so close together in spelling.

  3. As my Grandma used to say – there’s a line between what’s given freely and what’s just taking advantage – this bunch takes advantage. Also, – Why not schedule meetings for like 7? – There’s not a ONE of these chair sitter desk jockeys with their baby soft hands who need to be in bed by 9 to get up at like 4 or 5 in the morning for work.

  4. Diane, I think the Pantagraph might actually be learning from you…I noticed the attached documents to their article. Not terribly useful, but for the Pantagraph to actually provide documentation is almost miraculous!

    1. You realize they got the story from here? Obviously they don’t read the documents themselves or they would have seen the mayor’s girlfriend’s plane ticket. It is nice to see some proof so they at least appear to be investigating something.

  5. And I would drop in for the first meeting, but I did that last week right after work so I could sign up for public comment. Doors were locked, BTW. And I didn’t get dinner so I was hungry!!!

    1. Funny, the doors have been locked when I’ve arrived for 5:00 Special meetings. Next time, knock on the “fish bowl” window. 😂

  6. Oh I know they got it here and probably would have preferred not to write about King Tari in a negative light. Diane you are the news leader in McLean County.

  7. Renner floated credit of government funds for 4 weeks. Against State Statute!!! Time for another report to be sent to ISP.

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