Connect Transit: September Fleece

By:  Diane Benjamin

See the September report here:

Revenue from riders doesn’t come close to pay the wages of the employees:


The total operating loss appears to not be a red flag for anybody:

Government can’t come up with a way to transport people without losing $833,895 in one month?

The loss would be less without expenses like these:

A FOIA request has been filed for details.


Page 19 claims Fixed Route ridership is up over last year:




Connect Mobility was up too:




The operating loss for September 2016 was $877,994.44.

Because of this increase in riders: Connect lost $44,099 less.

The audited financial statements are included in the packet:

 Keep in mind – losses like these (and much worse) are happening across the country, your taxes are paying for it.


See the Board of trustees here:



8 thoughts on “Connect Transit: September Fleece

  1. The Board of Trustees looks like “white privilege”. Maybe Mayor Renner should create a Connect Transit Review Board for the Connect Transit Board of Trustees based on under and/or non-represented people groups on the Board.
    I’m sorry Diane…. I should not have added that REPLY as that may give Mayor Renner another idea for civilian involvement and further deepening his talons into the servants he represents.

      1. In all honesty, I wonder why Tari doesn’t rent a limousine that takes him to Rosie’s for lunch. What would that cost? Let’s see…3 trips a week by…i’m guessing $100.

        Sure! Why not! After all, we (not me) did elect him, thus conferring such lofty entitlements.

        Enjoy Tari! Lunch is on me today!

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