Atlanta Library: FOIA exposure

By:  Diane Benjamin

The Freedom of Information Act clearly states the personal information can be redacted.  Employees have a right to not have their Social Security thrown around the Internet!

The Atlanta Public Library doesn’t understand that simple concept.  The following was sent to a citizen who FOIA’d wages paid.  That citizen partially redacted the Social Security numbers, I totally blacked them out.

If you know any of these people please advise them of this error committed by their employer.  We don’t know if their social security numbers have been sent to anybody else.

The person who received the information isn’t going to use it for nefarious purposes.  Somebody else might.

One more note:  Look at the name of the company paying the wages.  All these employees except one are employees of the Palms Grill which is owned by the library.  This is yet another thread to unravel.  Part of their pay is coming from the library and part is coming from this company owned by Bill Thomas.  Remember that name, you will be hearing it again.


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