Another thing Bill Thomas needs to explain

By:  Diane Benjamin

Bill Thomas is the Treasurer for the Atlanta Il Public Library.  He writes the checks and pays all the bills for the Library and the Palms Grill.  He is also the guy who requested the $25,000 grant the State now wants back.

On November 6th I sent a FOIA request for wages paid for two years to Bill’s daughter and her husband, Grace and Ronald Childs.  I received two excel type spreadsheets, one for each.

Grace earned $820.63 in 2016.  See the report here:  gchilds

Ronald earned $1,255.10 in 2016.  See the report here:  Rchilds

Both documents have some columns removed to make them easier to read.  No overtime was paid, the start time and stop time each day is immaterial.

Next I sent a another FOIA request for Grace and Ronald’s W-2 forms and payroll tax records.  This is what I received:


I wonder if Bill can explanation why W-2’s and payroll tax returns aren’t available!

Wages were paid, the spreadsheets don’t show any taxes withheld, and no payroll tax forms exist to report Bill’s daughter and son-in-law’s income.

Since no W-2’s were available either, their income was not reported to the State and Federal government.

I’ve heard they both are college students, they probably wouldn’t paying income taxes anyway because they have a child or two.  Payroll taxes should have been paid however.

So, how were they paid?  Cash from the register?  Checks written by Bill from the Palms Grill?

Are laws to difficult Bill?

Did the library Board know Bill was funneling money to his family?  Did Bill’s other daughter Rachel, who works at both the Library and the Grill, know her sister and husband were paid what looks like illegally?

Rachel is the one that answered my FOIA request.  If she didn’t know then, she surely knows now.





4 thoughts on “Another thing Bill Thomas needs to explain

  1. I don’t think laws are difficult for Bill, they just don’t apply to him. He’s important. Only a few would have noticed if you did not report. And if the laws don’t apply I think citizensought to reconsider what laws apply to them and why are they being prosecuted while the Bills of the world are getting away with proveriable murder.

  2. How about Social Security and Unemployment ? This is ABOVE the “private contractor” limit, so taxes SHOULD have come out-or AT LEAST forms filed.
    Wonder how OFTEN this kind of shenanigans happens here in BLONO?

  3. Both of these are over $500.00 it has been my understanding that as an employer you have to send 1099’s out for as stated private contractors. Maybe it would be futile to FOIA the 1099’s ?

    1. Could, but my FOIA was for payroll. They should have said there was none since contractors aren’t payroll. I also have the time clock when they started working and clocked out. Only employees do that.

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