Enough Games-Part TWO

By:  Diane Benjamin

Part 1 with corrections:  https://blnnews.com/2017/12/29/enough-games/

This statement is right above where the person filing signs their Statement of Economic Interest:

It is a crime to file a false statement.

See a blank form HERE

Note:  The form includes lines to file for all required offices at the same time.

Don’t get excited about prosecutions though, we still live in Illinois where crime is accepted as normal if committed by government employees or elected officials.

Question 7:

List the name of any unit of government which employed the person making the statement during the preceding calendar year other than the unit or units of government in relation to which the person is required to file.

Seems pretty clear to me.  If the following people had filed as Alderman instead of Township Trustee etc, this wouldn’t be applicable.

Mboka Milambwe entered Illinois State University, but not the City of Bloomington.  He does get paid for being an Alderman.

Joni Painter answered NONE to that same question.  She was an alderman in 2016.

Diana Hauman answered N/A.  She was also an Alderman in 2016.

These errors are easy to see.  What should be on the Alderman statements that were never filed?  We don’t know!

Joni Painter filed is right in 2016, the other two never filed as Alderman in 2016 either.

A Statement of Economic Interest was created to bring Ethics to government.  When the people required to file don’t do it right and there is no prosecution for filing a false statement, it is a joke.

I’ve got more proof of that later.




One thought on “Enough Games-Part TWO

  1. Diane, you are right. It really doesn’t matter as crimes are not prosecuted. If it fits the desires of the SA office -fine, if not dont bother them. It is the same up the ladder. Also with Illinois agencies that don’t follow the rules. The unions protect the ineffective and put them back in their jobs. No hope for Illinois- it’s corruption as usual!

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