Why does the Library need to expand?

By:  Diane Benjamin

Library Stats from January of 2017:


Library Stats from January of 2018:











2017 doesn’t say how many visited

Items checked out decreased in 2018

People using the computers decreased in 2018

New cardholders decreased in 2018

Holds decreased in 2018

Wi-Fi users decreased in 2018

Groups using the FREE rooms went up in 2018

Is a library supposed to be for free meeting rooms?

Usage has been trending down for awhile.



8 thoughts on “Why does the Library need to expand?

  1. C’mon, Diane. The numbers are down, that’s why they need to expand. If the government fails at something, they just ask for more money. Haha! Libraries are an antiquated centralized repository of information that is otherwise free, decentralized, and at our fingertips via internet connectivity.

  2. I like to use the United States Postal Servive as a prime example of government. The Postal Service lost money for years, maybe they still are. Capitalism worked for UPS and FED EX. These two companies make money doing the same thing the government through the USPS could have done. UPS and Fed Ex pay pretty well, offer benefits, and are good for the economy. Government in business is almost always a horrible idea. The library isn’t a business it’s full on government that could care less about their shareholders…the citizens.

  3. think you found an answer ..free rooms for meetings , wonder if they’ll need more staff too , i’d like to see an actual desin plan and list of ant new things they want to do before any decision . are there new cost even later , chairs , tables , electronics , books , resource items , etc , etc , etc ..

  4. Library expansion in Bloomington is about catering to the homeless population in downtown Bloomington who seek shelter there during the open hours. I’ve been chastised for saying this, but it’s true. Bloomington needs to wake up and realize that their downtown catalyst project is the new McLean County jail. Without economic opportunity in our community crime will increase along with homeless. Unfortunately government in our city, county and state IS the problem and when they try to present themselves as the solution the problems only grow worse.

    1. It’s so true. The demographics of the library have changed dramatically over the years. The internet has democratized information…with information that is instantaneously accessible from almost anywhere in the world. By the way, the population in Bloomington is declining and the government wants to go into debt building out antiquated services?

    2. Approaching the downtown from S. Main St. heading north the view of downtown is completely blocked with that new jail. Instead of promoting any nostalgia at all for an old Route 66 experience, the city screams HEY LOOK AT OUR JAIL! This town is run by a bunch of buffoons! Although to put it there might have been the most logical spot, once again the planners failed!

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