Chris Koos: Trump Derangement Syndrome

By:  Diane Benjamin

At 9:26 last night Chris Koos posted this to Facebook:

Why does the left always call us a democracy?

We aren’t a democracy, that means mob rule.  Somebody wants your bike, the mob can vote to steal it from you.  That’s democracy.

We are a Republic where we elect people to represent us.  Laws matter and property rights matter.  In a democracy they don’t.

Poor Chris appears to have Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Unemployment is extremely low – record low for blacks and hispanics.  We got some of our money back from government, I’m sure Chris hated that.  Actual GDP growth is around 4% after suffering through 8 years of the last administration telling us 1-2% is the new norm.  We were told jobs aren’t coming back, meanwhile 3.2 million have been created since Trump took office.

Maybe Chris is upset because this is Illinois.  His people are running the place into bankruptcy, so we don’t see the prosperity most of the country is enjoying.  Maybe JB can polish off Illinois for good.  Until illegals aren’t on Medicaid and pensions collapse, Illinois will never prosper.

Maybe Koos is finally seeing his party has nothing to run on.  He shouldn’t stay silent.  There is no nationwide “blue wave” coming in November.  We’ve seen and heard what Democrats stand for, socialism is how to lose elections.

We were on a dangerous path Chris, we are returning to the days when the Constitution mattered.  Instead of trying to usurp the Constitution, amend it.

So speak your mind mayor, this post says nothing other than you are depressed.  Leftists should be.  I assume he is feeling like we did when Obamacare was pushed through based on lies.  Trump is cleaning up the mess Obama left for him.  It looks like Chris still doesn’t understand why he just barely won his last election.

Trump is no saint and certainly wasn’t close to my top choice, but thank God Hillary lost.  The people now working who couldn’t find jobs likely agree.  Too bad those jobs aren’t in Illinois.  Koos should be talking about that!

Maybe he can say what he isn’t going to be silent about tonight.










62 thoughts on “Chris Koos: Trump Derangement Syndrome

  1. I read Koos’ email several times. He says nothing intelligible. He no long will be silent but he says nothing!?! Pleas Mayor Koos, explain your cryptic message.

    1. I agree, the only point he actually makes is “You must lose for me to win”. Seems to me that is the Dem party line. So, to me he is saying that his idea of change is just more of the same.

    2. Have you ever really listened to Don John Trump?
      “Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated,” Trump said in February, revealing that he knows less than your average drunk person in a bar about America’s overly complex and wasteful mess of a nonsystem for providing medical services.

  2. Aren’t the activists promoting a win/lose stance? They will fight until they win.

  3. My opinion of Koos first paragraph is this practice what you are preaching. Start right now cause your past does NOT exemplify what you claim here. Problem for you is this Mr. Koos, people are real tired of liars and you have represented that side for years.

    1. Speaking of Lies……………..

      Keeping a strict count of President Donald Trump’s many misstatements, untruths and outright lies. Oover the weekend at a rally in Michigan, Trump hit a(nother) milestone: He topped 3,000 untrue or misleading statements in 466 days in office.
      That means that, on average, Trump says 6.5 things that aren’t true a day. Every. Single. Day. (Trump is actually picking up the pace when it comes to not telling the truth; he has averaged nine untruths or misleading statements a day over the past two months

  4. We are a Democracy as opposed to a dictatorship, monarchy, anarchy. Democracy doesn’t mean mob rule.

      1. This is a local site, comments from Chicago, especially yours, do nothing to advance discussions. Goodbye.

        1. Is this goodbye for ever? Losing you would be like having a boil on your ____ removed. Hillary is making noises that she will run in 2020. I want you to work hard to make that happen… we really want her to run again… She is still perfect for the corporate war mongering Democratic Party of no ideas and no platform. As Captain Picard would say, “Make it so Number One”

      2. Diane, you are either spreading falsehoods knowingly or simply uninformed.

        Q: Was the Clinton Foundation ordered to cease operations and Chelsea Clinton charged with fraud?
        A: No. Those baseless claims were made up by a self-described “satirical” website.

        Has the Clinton Foundation been found to have committed fraud?
        The Clinton Foundation — the sprawling non-profit charity founded by Bill Clinton — has not been shut down, and Chelsea Clinton has not been charged with fraud. Those bogus charges were made in a May story about the foundation’s “newest scandal” on Clear Politics, which Facebook users flagged as potentially fake.

        1. Who claimed anybody was charged? If course nobody was charged, Hillary wasn’t charged for any other crimes! You didn’t find it strange if closed when she lost? Lots of foreign governments gave them money and poof it all stops. Obviously nobody was buying influence!

      3. Diane you stated; “She is looking for a reason to re-open the Clinton Foundation”

        The Clinton Foundation is still going strong across the world, unlike the Trump Foundation.

      4. Diane, you appear to have fallen for some Fake News!

        InfoWars is notorious for propagating conspiracy theories and publishing thinly sourced stories, but a search for “Clinton Foundation” on the website doesn’t return any results about it being shut down. Nor does a search for “Chelsea Clinton” produce results about a fraud charge or an arrest warrant. There were no such results on, either.

        The only seemingly related story on either website was about the Clinton Global Initiative, a Clinton Foundation offshoot, voluntarily downsizing operations in January 2017. Bill Clinton had previously announced in an August 2016 letter that CGI would no longer hold its annual conferences, whether Hillary Clinton was elected president or not.

        Rush Limbaugh did falsely say “it is disbanded” when talking about the Clinton Foundation with a caller on his conservative radio show in March, but that isn’t where Clear Politics got its claims. Instead, the first half of its story originated at a prolific “satirical” website, America’s Last Line of Defense, last year.

      5. I truly feel sorry for anyone who believes that the Clinton Foundation is a bright shiny example of a reputable charity… The pay to play game that Secretary of State Clinton played during her tenure is widely documented with articles like this in Newsweek I think someone needs to wake up the reality of the Clinton crime family and how they used their political connections to enrich themselves.

        “At least 85 of 154 people from private interests who met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton while she led the State Department donated to her family charity or pledged commitments to its international programs, according to a review of State Department calendars released so far to The Associated Press. Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million. At least 40 donated more than $100,000 each, and 20 gave more than $1 million.”

        So you been under a rock there Bobby Brown? Indictments are coming… and it is not going to be pretty for your queen.

    1. Democracy when the majority rules. How much stupidity do you want to have published here? Not to mention the fact that your ability to identify and/or deal with reality is on display with practically your every post.

  5. Is America Great Again? I’m waiting. Maybe when the Supreme Court pushes abortion back into the back alley? Or when more kids are in cages? Or when the ridiculous trade war with China costs everyone more? Or maybe when the Mueller probe results in triple digit indictments? The only thing worse than Trump are Trump defenders and apologists. Or should I say “sympathizers.”

    1. A Supreme Court decided killing babies was great. How about voting? Some states may keep abortion others might not. Nobody wants backroom abortion, that’s just the left trying to stir their people up. Kids aren’t in cages, that was 2014. Mueller has nothing obviously. I hate the tariffs, somebody needs to blink.

      1. Riiight. And Koos is “deranged.” Got it. Lawyers are in court TODAY trying to reunite kids under 5 separated from their parents. They have to do DNA tests because the record keeping was so poor. What does a poor woman do in a state w/o abortion services, Diane? Making it illegal doesn’t make it go away. Not feeling great about America, lately.

        1. More from the deflecting master Gaslighter. Remember what he thinks of Diane and the rest of us…. I think there my be a bit of projection going on here too… none of us would wish cancer on anyone… but maybe he would? Anyway here is the master at work below in case you haven’t seen what this guy is all about. Yes because we thought Hales was a incompetent good old boy who needed a gun put to his head to look at the coliseum books, we want him to get cancer… according to Rich. Yes this is the absolute lowest form of Gaslighting there is…

          Rich says:
          June 1, 2018 at 10:10 am

          Man…you and your commenters are mean. Maybe he’ll get cancer, too.

      2. There you go again Diane, the concerns of trafficking were not noted in the briefs against the Government., nor in the Governments reply.

        The U.S. government, under court order to quickly reunify parents and children who were separated after crossing illegally into the United States from Mexico, has expanded its use of DNA tests to establish paternity in immigration matters.

        The filing was made in a class-action lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union against Immigration and Customs Enforcement on behalf of parents who were separated from their children by immigration officials. The judge in that case has ordered that children under age 5 be reunited with their parents by Tuesday, and that all minors separated from their parents be reunited by July 26.

      3. Once again Diane you make a statement that you cannot support and when I point it out you fail to address it.

        You made a DNA claim, I corrected you and your response is they are an arm…..SAD !!!

    2. Rich, I know this horse has been beat to death, but there is nothing to prevent a woman from abstinence or birth control. Please don’t try to preach to me about rapes and incest. They are a tiny part of the millions of abortions performed in this country every year.

  6. “Washington’s Prayer for the Nation” (Written at Newburg. June 8, 1873, and sent to the governors of all the States) :
    Almighty God, we make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in thy holy protection, that Thou will incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government, and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States at large.
    And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without an humble imitation of whose example in these things, we can never hope to be a happy nation.
    Grant our supplications, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  7. Trump has an unusual talent stack that is very well suited for solving the problems we face now. I know some of you are going to say… what is a talent stack? As a early adopter of Twitter and someone who actually teaches it to business people, I can tell you that he is a master tweeter. He uses Twitter like FDR used the Fireside chats… he directly speaks to his followers (me) in an unedited form. Non-Twitter people don’t understand what he is doing… but he is a master. He knows exactly how to change the focus of the debate and call people out. He is also a master deal maker. First he declares economic war on North Korea… brings them to the bargaining table and now is working the “Art of the Deal” on poor little Kim. So the left thought he was going to war with North Korea is beside themselves trying to understand how he could get them to the peace table. It is a lot of fun to watch the idiot left spin as one after one win is chalked up to Trump. Turns out he is not Hitler after all. My father (who fought in the Korean War) would be very happy we have a president who is making peace finally. Koos is an idiot and will go down in history who was the one who led Normal into default with the Upscale Normal $100 Million boondoggle. Anyone listening to him about anything is as big an idiot as he his.

  8. Chris – Maybe you should remember that you only won by 11 lousy votes… hence my name. And after the 90 million dollars in debt YOU have place the citizens of Normal in, we should tar and feather you and then run you out of town on a rail!!!!

    1. Yes… the tar and feather thing is what they used to do… Koos has led the Town of Normal off a cliff… and let’s not forget the exalted and revered Mark Peterson.. Zero debt to $100 million borrowed? And now enrollment is declining at ISU and all the other state schools (except the U of I) and State Farm is begun it’s inevitable decline.

  9. Chris, and his siblings come from a family of hard-core Marxists–old line Communist Party, USA folk. He is inherently as unAmerican and subversive as you can get.

      1. And how do you KNOW that is false? Perhaps she does indeed know the biography and family history of the Koos clan and it is perhaps YOU who are simply spouting mindless rantings in defense of him and why should a socialist/communist background be railed against? Isn’t socialism exactly what the Left now wants and revers? You would think one would be proud of the “esteemed” mayor being a red diaper baby.

  10. Rich: Get a job. and QUIT wasting OUR time.
    As for Koos. He’s depressed because his “hi guy” buddy won’t be having an illegals with open arms ordinance meeting this evening.
    And Mr Koos, I would APPRECIATE you keeping YOUR ideals and thoughts and BAD LANDSCAPING in UPTOWN. And as such PLEASE do something with the “landscaping” behind Green Top, and the “other” shops there. That area of Washington street looks ABOUT as bad as the MUDHOLE at 1 UPTOWN plaza did for quite some time. CLEAN IT UP mr KOOS!
    And next time you’re depressed. Go have some ice cream at Emack and Bolios and SUPPORT your local business..

  11. Rich! What kind of parents are willing to take the chance that their kids will be separated from them when they break the law? What kind of parents are willing to walk across the desert with little children exposing them to poisonous reptiles, severe dehydration, and/or stuffing them in the back of a locked box truck with no ventalation? Please advise.

    1. These are parents that must not be separated from their children?… even though an executive order was written to build the facilities necessary for children to stay with their parents…because facilities can’t be build overnight, the anti-Trump crowd wants to pound on this non-issue (they have nothing else the complain about right now).

      1. The Judge spanked the Trump Lawyers like little children;

        “when a person is arrested you account for their wallet, it’s contents, keys and clothing…….but yet you did not keep track of who the children are, who the parents are, and where you sent any of them?”

        1. No kidding… they really have nothing to add to the conversation… sputtering about children in cages… and personal attacks on us… reality is closing in on them… Trump is not Hitler and he actually is making American great again.

  12. “We are a Republic where we elect people to represent us. Laws matter and property rights matter. In a democracy they don’t.”, I remember as Trump was running for election, he said that, “I Love Eminent Domain”. So what did he intend that to mean? Eminent Domain is a legal, yes legal, way to take away your property at your expense.

      1. He is more than wrong. He uses it to take property that he wants to build on if someone won’t sell and he has the borrowed money, from Russian banks, to freeze them out in court. Wrong is a way too kind of term.

    1. I remember this guy I supported bailed out the big banks and allowed 10 million Americans to lose their homes…Americans with kids (yes I said kids) – not one banker went to jail. If fact they were rewarded with huge bonuses for almost destroying our economy. This same guy who I was on stage with in 2004 and to told me he was going to stop the unnecessary wars. He then turned 2 wars into 7 and with his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s insistence turned Libya into a failed state that later became a spawning ground and weapons cache for ISS. And this guys name was Obama and talking about Trump’s love of eminent domain like it is some sort of horrible strike against him is ludicrous. It is Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who are directly responsible for making Libya into a failed state with the loss of untold thousands of lives (many of them children). Where is the outrage at the children killed or now being sold in slave markets in Libya as I write this? The left and mainstream fake news networks lose their minds about the separation of illegal immigrant children. Where were they at when our president and his rodeo goat crazy secretary of state was killing children in Libya? No big deal right? As George Carlin said in this last comedy act… It’s all Bull…. and it’s bad for you!

      1. Lawrence, They really recoil at facts about what is REALLY going on in Libya and other places that their “leaders” went in and dirtied up like bad children who have never known any consequences. It sends them into a babbling incoherent rant in most instances because their programming is not designed to deal with actual confrontation containing undeniable facts. They are NEVER challenged in the bubble that they dwell in, they just constantly nod in agreement and praise each other for being so brilliant and/or “woke”. I find this to be particularly true with those who have buried themselves into academia and thus manage to live a rather juvenile existence their entire adult lives.

        1. Yes well said and I agree completely. Scott Adams (Dilbert cartoonist) says it is like there are two different movies playing on the same screen. Their movie (reinforced constantly by the mainstream corporate media) shows them the new Hitler destroying our democracy and our movie shows us a populist deal maker delivering on ALL of his promises to make America great again. They are essentially living in an alternative reality driven by lies and propaganda. This is why they act so crazy. They are not living in the real world. And yes facts are not part of the equation here. That is why you see these people not addressing the issues and using personal attacks or gaslighting as weapons. They literally have nothing else.

  13. Everyday. Literally EVERYDAY! Thousands of United States citizens (ALL skin colors) who break the law go to jail and their children do not go to jail with them. If the other parent or relative cannot take them in, the state takes custody of the child and either way the family is “torn” apart. Where is the lunatic left outrage for these families? Crickets.

  14. I think it’s rather hilarious the way they all like to sound off about how they are mot going to be silent anymore, uh, they have never been silent – it’s just more of the victim crap they like to pull – the truth of the matter is, they are bullies, have been for decades and are now playing the victim card and acting as if they are have been downtrodden and pushed around for soooo long – when in truth it is THEY who have been running the show with their little “nudge” crap and running roughshod over everyone FINALLY “we the real people” are pushing back and they do NOT like it ONE little bit.

  15. TRUMP is the cause? Is the problem? Is it Trump that has encouraged people to push shove and send death threats to people? Is it Trump that stand on the bloody bodies of millions of dead babies? Is it Trump that has railroaded this country into personal debt because of a locked door law that forces us to pay for having a baby even if you are a man? Is it Trump that blocks the roadways in protest? Is it Trump that shoots and kills all ages in Chicago? I think Mr. Koos might want to watch news that has the truth rather than tuning into CNN, NPR and all the rest of the liars.

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