Rodney Davis needs some Connect Transit FACTS

By:  Diane Benjamin

I found this article yesterday:    U S Representatives Introduce Bipartisan Bill To Increase Funding For Small Community Transit Systems

Note:  “Small community”.  Tari Renner and Chris Koos don’t understand they are a SMALL Community, not Chicago.

Also Note:  They are spending YOUR money.


Currently, the STIC provides funds to those communities with populations between 50,000 and 200,000, based on certain performance criteria. Such funds are already set to increase to 2 percent apportionment later this year, but U.S. Reps. Rodney Davis (R-IL), Greg Stanton (D-AZ), Steven Palazzo (R-MS) and Jimmy Panetta (D-CA) want to see that figure raised still higher, to 3 percent.

“The Small Transit Intensive Cities Program (STIC), which rewards high performing small transit systems, has been incredibly successful over the years and we’ve seen the program grow from 77 eligible communities when it was first authorized to 124 as of 2017,” Davis said. “I have four prime examples of cities in my district that have benefited from this program, including Bloomington-Normal, Champaign-Urbana, Springfield, and Decatur. Our bipartisan bill ensures funding for this program is keeping up with demand so we can continue to help successful, small transit systems like these make investments to improve efficiency and service.”

Obviously Rodney Davis gets his information from Connect Transit, Tari Renner, and Chris Koos.  He doesn’t understand Connect Transit is not serving the people who NEED to ride the bus.  The majority of people locally will never ride a bus and will not be bullied into riding a bus.  The huge buses are a waste of valuable resources and your tax dollars.  Meanwhile people who require transportation can’t get it.

The article is on a site called Transportation Today – Driving discussion on transportation and infrastructure.

Rodney Davis needs to know the facts, he obviously doesn’t know them:

On his website:

Twitter:   @RodneyDavis


DC Phone:  (202) 225-2371

Decatur Phone:  (217) 791-6224






8 thoughts on “Rodney Davis needs some Connect Transit FACTS

  1. Rodney Davis runs in a 50/50 district. He goes along with Connect Transit so as not to give an opening for an opponent to siphon votes from a most likely reliable voting block. I’m quite certain he doesn’t care for Koos, Renner, or Connect Transit, but goes along for political survival. We all know that Connect Transit doesn’t work, doesn’t serve its customers, and is a political patronage hackarama. However, in a world of sound bytes and headline readers that is not what people will see were he to question much less oppose Connect Transit funding.

  2. Not a fan of Rodney Davis, but i wouldn’t vote for a left wing lunatic just to send Davis a message. Continued attempts to educate him from a bunch of constintuents would be my suggestion.

    1. A serious primary challenge from an actual fiscal conservative would be my suggestion.
      Or vote libertarian if there’s one on the ballot.

  3. The questionable statistics reported by Connect Transit regarding ridership is directly related to this funding. This is fraud.

  4. You’ve heard the phrase garbage in garbage out. Davis is relying on lies and false info just so Tari/Koos/and Disconnect can get more money for their pet project. I emailed Davis when I found out they were moving my moms bus stop down the block and around the corner . She lived in Anglers at the time and would have to cross Mercer walk up the block,using walker,and around the corner to catch the bus. Over one hundred residents and the manager of Anglers protested and I emailed Davis/Brady and the rest of the crooks. NO ANSWER! NO NOTHING! Rodney could care less about the citizens just as Disconnect/Koos and Renner dont care. All they want is the money.

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