Tari: Where is Ellsworth?

By:  Diane Benjamin

My greatest hope is that someday people in the media realize when Tari’s lips are moving most likely he is lying.

Scott Miller is the latest to let him spew his own set of facts without challenge.  This morning Tari was on WJBC with him:  http://www.wjbc.com/podcasts/

(Go to the bottom of the page)

The subject of Kirk Allen and myself addressing the Council Monday night came up.  Tari claims Ellsworth is 30-40 miles away!  Kirk and I are just bloggers who stir up trouble.  , Kirk and his partner John Kraft have been instrumental in removing 372 corrupt people from their jobs!  Yep, just a blogger.  I don’t need to go into my history, it’s all right here.

For the record Tari, I am less than 10 miles from your house.  I can get to your house faster than you can get to City Hall!

I chose not to live in either Bloomington or Normal because both have taxed citizens to death.  I doubt a lot of Chicago Tribune reporters live in Chicago, at least some are smarter than that.

Miller asked Renner why 3 FOIA requests have been denied.  Tari claimed it was a “personnel” matter.

Below is one example of what the City has denied – I redacted the officer’s name for now.

deny 1


This was the response received:

deny 2

One regular officer was mentioned over 20,000 times in emails in 1 year?  Seriously?  

This is not a personnel matter.  The denial above proves it.

A 4th FOIA request was submitted.  I can’t wait to see how they deny that one.  Tari obviously has a problem with the truth.  The media needs to understand that.


2 thoughts on “Tari: Where is Ellsworth?

    1. I believe you are wrong about the news conference a certain large city mayor tried to hold at Padua. I attempted to get a good close position so I could hear all the questions and answers. While doing this, I was seen as a threat to the speaker and asked to move a bit farther South. Which I did. But I lost a lot hearing range as it is a large distance to the old Stumptown Grade School.

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