Bloomington exposes email addresses

By:  Diane Benjamin

Monday Bloomington is holding a Committee of the Whole meeting for two reasons:

  • Discuss Community Development Block Grant Funds
  • Hear from the Cannabis Task Force

Public meetings were held for citizens to give their opinion on how CDBG money should be spent.  One meeting was evidently held at the library.  From the meeting documentation it looks like the public was asked to sign in and provide an email address.

That two page document is included in the Monday packet.

I’m purposely not posting a link, if scammers haven’t already found it – they will soon.

Meanwhile, the City completely redacts FOIA’d emails dealing with mundane subjects like downtown Christmas lights while handing the email addresses of taxpayers over to anyone who wants to grab them.

If your name is on that list, expect more spam.  In the future ask yourself – can the City be trusted with my private information?  The answer is no.

I hope the City fixes it.  In case they accuse me of lying – too late.  I downloaded it.

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