So, is the Town paying Koos to retire?

By:  Diane Benjamin

Monday night:

See this previous story:

Surprise, surprise, the Budget has now been posted:

Public comment during a budget hearing can NOT be limited.  Start reading!

The AGENDA will be separate story.



3-2 Norm

Why is Normal writing Chris Koos a check?  Is it for his retirement or did the Town buy a bike from him for somebody else’s retirement?  These charges were entered as a Council expense.  Of course Koos will excuse himself.  So will Cummings, like that matters.

3-2 Normaa

Reminder:  the cost of empty buses every month:

3-2 Norm b

Buying the media:

3-2 norm c3-2 Norm d3-2 norm e3-2 norm f3-2 norm g3-2 norm h

Only this is required:

3-2 norm required

More Tiger Grant!  

3-2 norm Tiger grant

This brings Tiger Grant spending since May of 2018 to $420,973.64.(unless I missed some)

Free money is expensive! 







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