Seriously Bloomington?

h/t a reader – taken today:

downtown Bloomington today

3 thoughts on “Seriously Bloomington?

  1. Wow just need a paragraph below the decorative Xmas tree.

    Merry Christmas! Start thinking about buying items now! I know it’s a few months shy….well, we know it’s 7 plus months early but we made such huge mistakes spending the tax payers money and closing businesses we need the early revenue now. So please spend the money you don’t have to spend due to covid-19 and then the failed planning by our town leaders.

  2. DAMN! I saw that and thought the Moody Blues were coming to the arena for a Christmas show.
    These “local talent” politicians NEVER cease to AMAZE me with the dumbassed ideas they come up with..
    WHAT NEXT? NO! I don’t want to know..

  3. Shop local and often in Downtown Bloomington!

    We are really close to having some great material for sit-com pilot.

    It would be hard to make up the stuff that these city fools (and Mayor Little Man) just make up naturally.

    Yes, you can see below what I imagine when our city leadership speaks:

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