Pritzker loses, he likely won’t care

By:  Diane Benjamin

When it was obvious a judge in Clay County was going to rule against Pritzker’s illegal orders in favor of State Rep Darren Bailey, Pritzker tried to get the case moved to Federal Court.  That judge stalled for weeks but ruled yesterday to send it back to Clay County.

A hearing date has been set for July 2nd but there are more developments.   Pritzker’s attorneys failed  to respond in Clay County as directed by that judge.  Therefore Bailey’s attorney filed a motion to deny any responsive pleadings now.  Pritzker will probably appeal again, anything to keep Illinois residents from prospering.

The Edgar County Watchdogs wrote about both:

I wonder if Pritzker knows he is opening himself up to personal lawsuits for the damages he has caused with illegal lock downs?

One more from the Watchdogs.  Two private schools have now stood up to Pritzker.  Where are the Public Schools Boards?  Another reason to replace members up for election in April.  Representing the schools is the same attorney working for Darren Bailey – Tom DeVore.  Details:

4 thoughts on “Pritzker loses, he likely won’t care

  1. “I wonder if Pritzker knows he is opening himself up to personal lawsuits for the damages he has caused with illegal lock downs?”

    Now that is some income I would like to see redistributed.

  2. While nothing would make me happier than see Pritzker held personally financially responsible for every penny lost by business after the 30 days I do not know how this could legally happen. They may be able to hold the office of gov. responsible and then guess who pays for it? The taxpayer/ I plead somebody please prove me wrong.
    Secondly, this whole thing shows how broken the legal system has become. I totally disagree with the summary the judge wrote in the area of remanding Bailey’s attorney costs to JB. He did not allow such. All this allows is a rich person an unfair advantage by being able to pay more than perhaps a poorer opponent. That is a crock of…..

  3. I STILL think he should wear a muzzle, er MASK and practice “social distancing” like maybe move to Montana, They’d LOVE him up there. Grizzly lunch coming in! Just in time for the hibernation session…

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