Normal needs transparency!

By: Diane Benjamin

This statement is in the Town of Normal code:

No the Council can’t “waive” disclosure requirements, but that’s not the important part. The Open Meetings Act states they can’t vote on anything not disclosed 48 hours in advance.

The code states the City Manger must know a week in advance what will be on the next agenda. Agenda’s are not shared with the Council a week in advance or even 5 days in advance.

If Pam Reece knows what the agenda will be long before that, in the interest of transparency why wait to tell the Trustees? Because it would give them time to study the agenda?

Why does this matter?

On the agenda for Tuesday (delayed for Labor Day) is presentation of the Financial Statements from the year that ended 3/31/2020. (over 5 months ago)

This is a lot of data Trustees are suppose to approve for release. Mere citizens don’t get to see them until later. Obviously the statements are done but Trustees have not been given access to them yet in order to prepare for this meeting.

It’s really sad Trustees have to wait this long for audited statements, it’s even worse they will not be given time to digest what is in them.


Nope, they are expected to just believe what they are told.

Unless Pam isn’t complying with the code and still adding items less than 1 week in advance of meetings, Trustees should have longer notice of items to be presented. Not doing so makes it look like STAFF has something to hide.

The Trustees are supposed to be YOUR representatives. It’s hard to represent without the time to do it.

6 thoughts on “Normal needs transparency!

  1. The people of the Town of Normal are being ruled not represented.

    Sit down and shut up…

    Don’t listen to Stan or that “right wing” blogger!

    We know what is best for you!

  2. It is evident that the Mayor and the City Manager create the agenda and are in agreement on the agenda. The only other way to get an item on the Agenda is for 4 council members to request the same item. However four council members cannot discuss Town business except at a public meeting. So at least 2 groups of 2 Councilpersons have to discus and then one from each group agree on the agenda item and the each of the 4 council members have to request the same item be on the agenda. Highly unlikely. I believe few, if any items are placed on the agenda in any given Town calendar year by council members. Council members need not think or question the Mayor and City Manager. Just vote as directed by the Mayor and Manager for all the items on the agenda for a job well done. Before Stan many meetings were 7 to 10 minutes, a few even shorter.

  3. I am curious, how long have these rules been in existence. And who was on the council when they were last reviewed?

  4. A few weeks ago Paul Harmon had a letter to the editor in the Pantycrap about 1 Normal Plaza. Condescending as hell about a 40 year struggle to take control of the property. So this has been going on for a long time. So, Koos is only following in the footsteps of this Jackass. Harmon’s also part of “responsible” cities. Their days are numbered.

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