BEC outshines the Town of Normal

By: Diane Benjamin

The last day to file for the Bloomington or Normal councils was yesterday. There is still time to file for school boards.

The Bloomington Election Commission was lightning fast posting the petitions of of those running for office:

Petitions for Normal were filed with the Town Clerk. Evidently they are SECRET since they have not been posted on-line. I’ve emailed City Manager Pam Reece twice today about them, no response! If a citizens wants to challange petitions they have a limited time to do that. Not posting them promptly means citizens can’t see if they should be challenged!

Should we say typical for Normal?

(FYI: Pam did respond 5 minutes ago. I still don’t have access to the petitions however)

This form is optional, but why would a candidate wanting to represent citizens of the United States of America not sign it:

Are they not citizens? Should we assume those who don’t sign are not loyal to the our country? Are communists? Working with Russia? Would mean their oath of office to preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States and Illinois?

Hint: All three are Jenn Carillo and Jeff Crabill buddies!

Those in Bloomington who filed for office and DID NOT sign the loyalty oath:

Mayor: Jackie Gunderson

Ward 5: Patrick Lawler

Ward 7: Kelby Cumpston

I bet all three won’t say the pledge of allegiance, want the police defunded, illegal aliens welcomed, and your wealth redistributed to their buddies.

Pay attention and make sure your friends and neighbors know the facts. Only 20% or less of registered voters caring enough to show up in April can tip the council to socialist.

The media will hide this if you don’t!

8 thoughts on “BEC outshines the Town of Normal

  1. I have a perhaps-incomplete list for Normal. These are the candidates in the lotteries for first and last position on the ballot. There may or may not be others who filed in between or who run as write-in candidates.

    President (Mayor) – Chris Koos, Marc Tiritilli
    Trustee (Council member) – Kevin McCarthy, Albert J. (AJ) Zimmerman, Steve Harsh, Brad McMillan, David Paul Blumenshine, Karl Sila; Scott Preston, Donna M. Toney

    I think any objections are due next Wed, but it might be Tue or Thur so double check if you plan to file any.

    1. Thank you!
      I agree with your choices so far. This may not be a complete list, plus I’m not familiar with all the candidates, but at this point I’d recommend Steve, with Donna a very close 4th.
      I’m not familiar enough with AJ or Brad to say anything definitive.
      But it’s still early on – It’s good to learn more about the candidates rather than make a final decision months in advance.
      Kevin and Scott are incumbents, so the unacceptable status quo.

      1. Apparently all the unacceptable incumbents filed. As I had said, my list above may not have been complete.

  2. Denying citizens their right to scrutinize petitions for elections is interfering in the election process. No doubt Pam is withholding the information to discourage anyone from challenging her preferred candidates. That Bloomington released their packets long before, just highlights Normal’s corruption.

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