Have THREE meals with Connect Transit!

By: Diane Benjamin

Connect Transit is holding a retreat Friday night and Saturday. They are required to have open meetings, the retreat is being held at the McLean County History Museum.

Maybe they will be using the old courtroom so lots of people from the public can attend. The History Museum can not require an admission fee to attend the meeting!

Friday Night:

I hope the “unwind” doesn’t include alcohol libations because that would be illegal. Evidently drive-throughs are closed on Friday since taxpayers get to feed those who attend. Feeding themselves prior to 5:30 must be too difficult.

It gets better. The group won’t be spending “Night at the Museum”, but they aren’t capable of feeding themselves before reconvening on Saturday:

Event though the retreat won’t last the entire day on Saturday, taxpayers get to buy them lunch too:

The Board is bringing in a consultant from North Carolina, but the agenda shows she isn’t getting a lot of time after traveling so far:

I wonder if Connect has noticed a lot of human trafficking on their buses? Kristen prominently promotes awareness on her website: https://www.kjbackpack.com/about/

Saturday morning – more consultants:

Is it “ethical” to feed yourselves at taxpayer expense? That will be covered after breakfast but before lunch.

Is the Board not getting along? Do they not know how to do their job? Some of been on the Board way too long! Why does the Board need to bring in a guy from Florida to teach Legal stuff? (The phone number is Florida, maybe he winters in Illinois)

Doug Eadie: https://www.dougeadie.com/

Eadie and Stackrow wrote a book, see it by clicking the link above.

See the entire agenda here: https://www.connect-transit.com/documents/Meetings/CT%20Agenda_Board%20Retreat_December%202021.pdf

The agenda leaves one thing off that is required by law at every public meeting: Public Comment.

See the last item above:

“How to communicate with one another without violating open meeting laws?

The retreat isn’t starting off well when the Agenda violates the Open Meetings Act!

Keep in mind, Normal wants to hand them even more money.

I don’t see an agenda item for how to justify to taxpayers losing over a million a month while empty buses are everywhere.

Did they buy enough food for the Public too?

Go see!








3 thoughts on “Have THREE meals with Connect Transit!

  1. I wonder if they know they are breaking the law. The Board of directors is a who’s who of local COMMUNISTS. (There. I didn’t mistakenly call you socialists.)

  2. Look at WHO is on the Connect Transit Board. The membership composition tells one all they need to know about the WHY the system is failing.

    The grift-n-feed event ‘ benefit’ is just for the members pleasure – no new organizational break thru’s or taxpayer savings will result of this retreat.

    *consultant snickers all the way to bank🤑

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