Bloomington: Mboka doesn’t like change

By: Diane Benjamin

Tari Renner stacked all the Board and Commission. Mboka continues to just reappoint the same people. No Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Mboka?

This item shouldn’t be on the Consent Agenda, it should be pulled for further discussion. Does the City want to risk an abandoned property if the owners can’t use the property as they need to? Economic Development depends on the whims of government? This is the property that formerly had Car Seat Mountain:

Evidently redemption isn’t even discussed at Council. PDF page 201 on another issue:

Goal ED-4 Enhance the image of Bloomington as a business-friendly community.

Bloomington paid $1.4 million for the property at 807 N Main, Tari wanted it so he could control development. That was in 2016, looks like nobody wants to develop it. Even Coldwell Banker couldn’t sell it.

On the Regular Agenda is officially terminating Coldwell Banker and putting IWU and Bloomington in charge of marketing the property. Looks like they haven’t figured out yet government control of private businesses doesn’t work out well. If a developer pops up wanting to build mixed use on that property, expect to lose a lot of your $1.4 million.

I don’t have a problem with Jamie Mathy getting FUTURE money for redeveloping a downtown building. Of course that will leave his current location vacant, maybe the owner can locate a new tenant. I do have a problem with giving him 12 parking spots in the Market Street garage. That proves doing business downtown and expecting businesses to locate there is an exercise in futility. They might want to provide FREE PARKING if you want employers and their employees to work downtown. Paying to park is a huge roadblock when everywhere else parking is free.

From the documentation:

At least Bloomington has admitted that DECADES of throwing money at downtown has failed.







4 thoughts on “Bloomington: Mboka doesn’t like change

  1. Mboka is a hive drone, just like the insufferable wannabe who filled the seat before him. He’ll do what he’s told by the Fatty Pritzker gang for his next “step up.”
    Watch for the next installment: “Plandemic II: Monkey Pox!” and see how Mboka reacts.
    BTW, here’s a document from MARCH 2021 that might be interesting reading:
    Spoiler Alert: the “tabletop exercise” predicts a monkey pox outbreak in MAY 2022. A magical, prescient piece of writing!

  2. Diversity of everything, except for opinions. Anyone pickup on the careful choice of words by City leadership. It reads “Goal ED-4 Enhance the image of Bloomington as a business-friendly community.” Notice the wording reads “Enhance the image of…” Rather than something like ‘position Bloomington as’ or ‘transform Bloomington into…’ No, no, we just need to project an image, as in make people believe that it is so when it’s not. Also, since Downtown is in such decline, and desperate to fill vacancies and drive consumers to the area, the last thing they should do is charge for parking and/or hand out spaces to the connected. Downtown is the for us, by us club that wonders why no one comes to visit them.

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