Koos finally got a hearing in the Senate

By: Diane Benjamin

Last time Chris Koos was nominated to the Amtrak Board he didn’t get a hearing. https://www.congress.gov/nomination/116th-congress/1915

The seat he is nominated for has been vacant for years, this time it only took 4 months to get a hearing:

If Koos ever gets a vote in the Senate he won’t be quitting his day job. See this site: https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title49-section24302&num=0&edition=prelim

(b) Pay and Expenses.-Each director not employed by the United States Government or Amtrak is entitled to reasonable pay when performing Board duties. Each director not employed by the United States Government is entitled to reimbursement from Amtrak for necessary travel, reasonable secretarial and professional staff support, and subsistence expenses incurred in attending Board meetings.




6 thoughts on “Koos finally got a hearing in the Senate

  1. If the goal is to appoint an egotistical bully, with a track record of suppressing public speech, using his government position to personally profit, mocks protesters who lost their ability to work and go to school during Covid while he continued to keep his business open, and someone who denies accommodations to people with disabilities if they will be speaking against him, then Koos is the perfect person to appoint.

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