Bloomington tonight – short meeting

By: Diane Benjamin

If nothing gets pulled from the Consent Agenda the only item remaining is the Finance Director’s Report and comments.

On the Consent Agenda:

The gift that can’t stop giving – Coliseum, it isn’t Grossinger Motors Arena anymore:

Looks like the Market Street Garage isn’t going anywhere soon:

$10.52 a square foot. Normal rents the 2nd floor of 1 Uptown Circle for over $37,000 a month. Of course nobody else wants to sublease the floor, so they won’t be moving to downtown Bloomington and saving taxpayers a few bucks. (Lots of bucks)






One thought on “Bloomington tonight – short meeting

  1. Normal leases 13,780 sq/ft in 1 Uptown for $420k / year which equals $30.48/sqft. You could bump that up after Normal pays their property tax and building maintenance proration. Compare that with the $10.52 that BNEDC says is the market rate in Downtown Bloomington and across the City. The net-net is Normal pays more than 3x over the area’s market rate to rent space for their staff. This also shows how much more expensive it is to be in Uppity town vs. anywhere else in B/N. It is no wonder Normal’s staff felt entitled for taxpayers to purchase luxury vehicles for them to drive. Remember this come election time.

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