Will half of all colleges close?

By:  Diane Benjamin Since Bloomington-Normal is a college town, this is an article that needs to be read.  It was printed in Forbes Will Half Of All Colleges Really Close In The Next Decade? Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen consistently turns heads in higher education by predicting that 50% of colleges and universities will close or […]

Connect Transit – who is paying

By:  Diane Benjamin I filed Freedom of Information requests with ISU, Heartland, and Connect Transit based on the previous post:  http://blnnews.com/2015/11/12/connect-transit-requires-photo-id/ I appreciate ISU responding in ONE day, Heartland and Connect Transit took the 5 days permitted to respond. See the current ISU contract with Connect Transit here:  ISU-Connect Transit FY16 ISU is paying Connect […]