Is Bloomington still meeting tonight?

By:  Diane Benjamin If the City Code doesn’t apply to the City, it doesn’t apply to you either. Right? If they do meet tonight, here’s what’s on the agenda:  The City has already budgeted $100,489.40 for repairs to Oneil Pool.  Tonight they are adding $24,900 for sidewalk repairs around the pool.  This will […]

Media covering the lies?

By:  Diane Benjamin Why has the media NOT reported truthfully on the City of Bloomington’s waste of $1.2 Million? Pantagraph?  WJBC?  Cities?  WGLT? Maybe they interviewed Hales or Renner, but they wouldn’t be getting truth! If you clicked on the link to IMRF in this post:  you can get to their page showing FOIA […]

Low morale is DAVID HALES fault

By:  Diane Benjamin Only the Hales supporters on the City Council don’t understand that low employee morale at the City of Bloomington if David Hales’ fault. Employees have been stripped in essential areas while Hales’ staff has ballooned.  Employees are forced to document everything they do so Hales can measure results.  Much time is wasted […]