2 Sister City groups: Russia and Japan

By: Diane Benjamin I know the Asahikawa Japan group gets tax dollars from Bloomington and Normal: http://bnsistercities.org/about/ This is the group Tari Renner went to Japan with, nobody ever spilled the story of him “acting up” while there. I predict we may have that information in the future. Last I saw both cities threw $10,000 […]

More on Normal for Monday

By:  Diane Benjamin The Open Meetings Act REQUIRES approval of minutes within 30 days.  It’s a law, but who follows the law anymore?  On the agenda for Monday is:    http://www.normal.org/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/3138 Somebody can’t count or were they planing to bury what happened?  Yes I filed with the AG and they likely got a letter. The extremely […]