Tax until nobody is left to tax

By: Diane Benjamin If you thought Unit 5 was bad, wait for the City of Bloomington! They are projecting ending the year with $51 million in reserves. Inflation has been devastating to citizens, credit card debt is record high. Government is fine, you aren’t. If Tim Gleason didn’t have the votes for this it wouldn’t […]

$69 million for water projects so you won’t notice the CII East giveaways

By: Diane Benjamin Bloomington has elevated water storage that has never been used: Maybe in December it can at least be decorated for Christmas. It stands as a monument to incompetency by the designer/engineer and the failure of City officials to hold whoever did it accountable. Monday night the Council will approve just […]

Normal Vengeance – Part 1

By: Diane Benjamin Actions by the Town of Normal can only be labeled vengeance using your money for retribution to Bloomington for dissolving Metrozone years ago. This is why all incumbents must be replaced on April 6th. Bloomington currently supplies water to Rivian. In this story is a graphic proving Normal wants to supply the […]

Spending Spree!

By:  Diane Benjamin Maybe the below will tell you why the public is encouraged to watch this meeting on-line instead of showing up.  In an “emergency”, keep citizens from speaking. WEEK is the only media I’ve seen saying the virus has likely been here for some time: Packet for Bloomington Monday night: Hey […]