Things that don’t fit anywhere else:

By:  Diane Benjamin Michael Cadena: The Pantagraph reported IN ERROR that Michael Cadena was deemed an unfit parent by a judge.  That is not true – Michael has NEVER been deemed unfit!  I’m sure the Pantagraph will publish a tiny note correcting the story.  It won’t be seen by everyone who saw the defaming article […]

Sill not legal: Allin Township Fire agenda

By:  Diane Benjamin Action can’t be taken on any items not publicized  48 hours prior to a meeting. You could decide to double salaries in Executive Session, then vote in open session without anybody knowing it until it’s done.  That’s why the OMA exists. I see you finally got the “Any Other New Business” right! […]

More that Stanford needs to explain

By:  Diane Benjamin Fire Protection Districts are allowed to bill for services performed inside the district for people who live OUTSIDE of the districts.  It makes sense because the people served aren’t paying taxes to them.  The one catch is:  an ordinance is required to be passed and signed before the billings can be enforced. […]

Prosecuting What?

By:  Diane Benjamin The former Allin Township Fire Chief (Standford) is being prosecuted for theft.  His name is Josh Deterding.  Allegations are he stole over $10,000.  I’ve been investigating and filing Freedom of Information Requests for documents for the last month.  Josh did reach out to me because he had no one who would listen […]