What is Bloomington doing to get you downtown?

By: Diane Benjamin Bloomington has a calendar of events. Meetings are listed, but so are other events like Ice Cream at the Zoo and BCPA events. https://www.cityblm.org/government/advanced-components/calendar Missing are the Farmers Markets which actually do get people downtown on Saturday mornings. Also missing are Saturdays on the Square. In case you missed the 2013 extensive […]

Bloomington made the Huffington Post

By:  Diane Benjamin The title of the HuffPo story is:  11 Amazing Cities You’ve Never Thought To Live In, But Should See it here:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/best-cities-to-live_us_57323904e4b096e9f092f4b0 The story claims Bloomington has “affordable rent”. Didn’t the League of Women Voters just do an analysis that claimed rent wasn’t affordable?  Isn’t there a lot of talk about needing […]