Why Illinois is grasping fairy dust

By:  Diane Benjamin Even if you believe in man-made climate change, the facts presented in the story below should make it clear Illinois is not using any logic in their goal of all renewable energy by 2050:  https://www.bnd.com/news/politics-government/article227067919.html All they will accomplish is making electricity un-affordable. Full disclosure:  I believe this is a hoax to […]

Preaching Socialism

By:  Diane Benjamin Illinois People’s action was at the Sugar Creek Art Festival spreading socialism, note they target the young who don’t know that socialism kills: One item on the sign is 100% renewable energy.  Evidently they don’t know the wind doesn’t always blow and the sun doesn’t always shine.  Creating batteries to store energy […]

Aggregation Bids: Bloomington

by:  Diane Benjamin I finally obtained the bids from Tari Renner.  The Bloomington Freedom of Information Officer was evidently too busy to copy. As previously reported, Bloomington opted for 100% Renewable.  Electricity is not storable, so it is impossible to determine the source of the power.  The turbines East of Bloomington are frequently turned off […]

Renewable energy’s big secret

Wednesday, February 20, 2013 – Climatism: A Mad, Mad, Mad World by Steve Goreham CHICAGO, February 20, 2013—Climate change has again moved to center stage. Last week in his State of the Union address, President Obama stated, “But for the sake of our children and our future, we must do more to combat climate change.” Two days later, Senators […]

Renewable Energy Charade-Comparing Apples to Orangutans

One of the most important energy matters to accurately understand is that popular “renewable” electrical energy sources are not even remotely equivalent to our conventional energy sources. Not. Even. Close. Of course renewable lobbyists don’t want consumers and politicians to be aware of that reality, so they go to great lengths to disguise it. Everything […]