What is Normal doing to their streets?!?

by:  Diane Benjamin Normal is changing some intersections on the west side of town.  People driving in this area have reported to me that sidewalks are being brought out into the street.  When they are finished, some residents feel there won’t be enough room for a car waiting at the intersection and a car turning […]

Bloomington Pothole Chronicles

Send more pictures!  [email protected] There are so many holes on Oakland – east of Hershey – a movie would be needed! Here’s a sample of what has been received so far: Corner of Hershey Rd and Eastland Drive Meanwhile the McLean County Regional Planning Commission is busy diverting money to unnecessary projects: http://library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/1102887255870-66/McLean+County+Greenways+News+Sping+2013+FULL.pdf Greenways Developments McLean County […]