Chamber of Commerce endorsements you need to see!

By: Diane Benjamin From the McLean County Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee Facebook page: Notice a missing endorsement? No mayor of Normal? Gee, Chris Koos isn’t pro-business with his “right fit” philosophy? Chamber? Brad McMillan: McMillan teaches at Bradley: From their website: McMillian is Executive Director of the Institute for Principled Leadership in […]

Why is the Chamber running ads?

By:  Diane Benjamin The local Chamber of Commerce is running radio ads claiming they help local businesses. What does it take to make a business successful? It’s pretty easy, businesses needs products people want and people with the money to buy them.  It also needs government not hindering the ability of both parties to make […]

Chamber PAC endorses spenders!

The McLean County Chamber of Commerce PAC has endorsed local candidates.  They claim to support low taxes and fees, but their endorsement doesn’t support their claims. This is how they decide whether to endorse: Does the contest offer a clear choice between candidates who support the Chamber’s mission and values and those who do not?–criteria […]