Bloomington: Subverting government with Equality

By: Diane Benjamin There is a short version of the below going around social media, this is an 11 minute version. Democracy always ends in tyranny, that’s why America was created as a Republic instead. The video is from 1966 and nails what is happening today. Democracy wasn’t on the November ballot, authoritarianism was. TAKE […]

2 Parent comments at District 87 School Board meeting:

By: Diane Benjamin VIDEO would be much better, but below is the text from 2 parents. I heard a report this morning from the Attorney General’s office about kids posting inappropriate pictures online. Parents and government, what did you think would happen when you are sexualizing kids in kindergarten? The next school board meeting is […]

Progressives never stop

By: Diane Benjamin Creating new words and pushing social changes is what progressives do. Shortly they will change from “progressive” as Americans push back, if they already haven’t. Once they think normalizing this agenda has happened they will move on to their next agenda item. District 87: Kids aren’t allowed to be kids. Teachers aren’t […]

The rest of Bloomington last night

By: Diane Benjamin I hope the next mayor eliminates most if not all proclamations. Tari wasted a lot of time last night reading 3. Two of them were to declare the month of October something important. He made these pronouncements 5 days before October will end. Guess they weren’t important enough to announce earlier. Public […]

Bloomington crushes MLK’s vision

By: Diane Benjamin Bloomington City Manager Tim Gleason made it official last night: If you are white, don’t apply for a job with the City. Marin Luther King’s vision of a colorblind society is officially dead. Post COVID no money needs to be spent celebrating MLK Day ever again. Bloomington now has a Diversity and […]

Critical Race Theory at ISU?

By: Diane Benjamin President Trump banned the teaching of Critical Race Theory in all Federal Departments because it’s Marxist ideology. It is meant to destroy social norms to create an undefined utopia. It rejects the Declaration of Independence, the teachings of Martin Luther King, and of course Christianity. It destroys without ever saying what it […]