Socialism enshrined in the Illinois Constitution

By: Diane Benjamin This was the Preamble to the Illinois Constitution before it was changed in 1970: . Below is the current Preamble: . As Bloomington goes full on socialist know that Illinois enshrined socialism in the State Constitution way back in 1970. (Bloomington is considering tiered water rates, requiring private investment to […]

What really happened at ISU?

By:  Diane Benjamin Think back.  Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are vying for the Democrat nomination for president.  The Illinois primary election was held on March 15, 2016. The Town of Normal has 30 precincts.  The entire County picked Hillary Clinton, 26 of Normal’s 30 locations picked Bernie Sanders. 

Venezuela versus Us

Hugo Chavez won another election, even though the economy in Venezuela under the self declared socialist, Chavez,  is a disaster.  Inflation is at 21% and food shortages exist due to price controls.  Crime is rampant, the murder rate is the highest in the world.  The national debt has tripled and class warfare is encouraged by […]