Freedom of the Press disappearing

By: Diane Benjamin April 28th will mark 12 years for I only started writing because I saw lousy local reporting on things that matter. The 1st Amendment guarantees Freedom of the Press – unless government has other plans. There is a hearing going on today in the House because they are considering a Press […]

League of Women Voters squash the 1st Amendment

By: Diane Benjamin People lie. Politicians lie. Freedom of Speech is written into the 1st Amendment because the authors thought people were smart enough to hear all sides, inform themselves, and then make decisions based on informed thought. There is no such thing and Mis and Dis information. There are only elites who want to […]

Normal FOIA finds – just a start

By: Diane Benjamin Received by FOIA. Remember the Normal Town Council meeting where everyone who wanted to make a Public Comment wasn’t allowed? Since no one NOW on the Council wants to hear from citizens, 30 minutes was set and not challenged. Pam Reece doesn’t have a problem wasting a citizen’s time who wants to […]

The Kevin Phares abuse by WGLT/ISU

By: Diane Benjamin FYI: The Vote Yes people committed more electioneering at ISU on Tuesday. Of course no prosecutions will happen, they were eventually kicked out by the election judges. Winning is all that matters to the left, breaking laws or lying is immaterial. Keep reading for proof. This is what happened, I hope Cities […]

Clear example of media only reporting what they want to report

By: Diane Benjamim Both the WGLT reporter and I watched the same Normal Town Council meeting last night. Nothing in the story I wrote this morning was mentioned in their story. Mine: Theirs: Media picks and chooses what to report, obviously fraud isn’t something WGLT cares to cover if the Normal Town Council […]

Of course Koos was guilty

By: Diane Benjamin The Attorney General finally got around to ruling on a slam dunk Request for Reviews filed by Marc Tiritilli in November 2019. Even though the law gives them 90 days to rule, the Attorney General doesn’t comply. While Chris Koos flagrantly violated Marc’s 1st Amendment rights, the rest of the Council sat […]

Pantagraph and Social media

By: Diane Benjamin Yesterday the Pantagraph printed an editorial called: Commentary: Social media is hurting America, and 2019 is the year we need to do something about it It was supposedly from the Dallas Morning News with no names attached.  Read it here if you missed it: Yes, they claim social media is hurting […]

Media is destroying democracy! (Rauner)

By:  Diane Benjamin We aren’t a democracy, but I might as well use the language of the left.  It fits. It’s bad enough the Pantagraph refuses to do investigative reporting, but now the media is threatening to throw an election for MONEY. Cities 92.9 knows Bruce Rauner is lying in his endlessly running commercial claiming […]

Freedom of Worship? Really? Update

By:  Diane Benjamin I came across an interesting article today about Bloomington.  It claims Bloomington, not Bloomington-Normal or McLean County, is in the top 10 small cities for educated millenials.  With 2 colleges and a major employer like State Farm, it probably is.  (Even if State Farm is moving jobs out). The article notes 40 […]

1st Amendment attack

By:  Diane Benjamin The Bill of Rights was added after the Constitution was ratified.  Many States would not have signed the Constitution if the first 10 amendments were not promised.  The Rights of individuals took presidence over the rights of government. Amendment 1 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the […]

Real discrimination overlooked – NIOT UPDATE!

Update:  Memories Pizza is almost to $600,000.  Religious liberty will NOT be attacked in America without consequences.  See link below. By:  Diane Benjamin This email was received via my lawsuit against the City of Bloomington.  It is one of those I didn’t know existed, but the judge ruled it had been illegally redacted by the […]

Tari is only sorry he hit “Submit” UPDATE

The citizen below sent this response to Mayor Renner: Dear Mayor Renner, Thank you for your response to my email regarding your recent comments about Diane Benjamin on I do not know you personally, and its not my intention to attack you; however, I am going to be candid with my comments and opinion. […]

The War on Free Speech

by Diane Benjamin 1st amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. If you didn’t know, overpass […]

Guess who visited now?

22 May 10:44:34 IE 8.0 Win7 Washington, District of Columbia, United States Department Of Homeland Security ( [Label IP Address] (No referring link) How do you like living in a police state?  When the government spies are everywhere, the Constitution is immaterial. You can stick your head back below ground now.  Thanks.