High School History Books

By: Diane Benjamin I FOIA’d the curriculum approved for one specific Social Studies teacher at BHS. I’ve got a lot of data to look at, but start with the textbook mentioned first in what I received: Modern World History:  Patterns of Interaction  (McDougal Littell) The excerpt below is from this website: https://archive.org/details/ERIC_ED485622/page/n13/mode/2up?q=Modern+World+History+Patterns+of+Interaction+McDougal+Littell You may have […]

Progressives never stop

By: Diane Benjamin Creating new words and pushing social changes is what progressives do. Shortly they will change from “progressive” as Americans push back, if they already haven’t. Once they think normalizing this agenda has happened they will move on to their next agenda item. District 87: Kids aren’t allowed to be kids. Teachers aren’t […]

District 87- What rules apply?

By:  Diane Benjamin More on this story:   https://blnnews.com/2018/03/31/bhs-scoundrels-liars/ The statement below is from the BHS Student Handbook, it pertains to prohibited materials: https://www.district87.org/Domain/1755   Even if somebody does believe the BHS talking points about a student bringing in the document, how does it not violate the policy in the student handbook?  Mr. Moore? Since the […]

BHS – Scoundrels & Liars

By:  Diane Benjamin This BHS and student walkout story is getting more serious. __________________________________ If you missed the previous stories, catch up: https://blnnews.com/2018/03/30/district-87-hiding/ https://blnnews.com/2018/03/22/remember-the-student-walk-out-bhs/ __________________________________ 1) From the District 87 website about FOIA requests:  https://www.district87.org/Page/309 Note:  they want to charge .15 cents for FOIA requests after the first 50 pages. The email below is in response […]

Remember the Student Walk out? (BHS)

By:  Diane Benjamin Students have every right to be upset when they are being slaughtered in their schools.  Funny how the outrage isn’t aimed at the law enforcement who waited outside the Florida High School instead of doing their job! Suddenly, students across the country wanted to hold a demonstration at 10:00 on March 14th.  […]

BHS needs a WHITE Student Union

No More Comments Will Be Approved On This Story   By:  Diane Benjamin Nikita Richards wants to be the next McLean County Clerk, She evidently wants to divide people.  See the post below from her personal Facebook page. How did BHS ever survive until 2018 without a Black Student Union? Why stop there?  Short people […]