Final on the Local Housing Assessment report

By: Diane Benjamin More from this story on the local Housing Assessment: PDF page 32 – copied and reformatted since the paragraph is difficult to read: Poverty levels have increased in McLean County over the last 5 years, Bloomington and Normal. Poverty is measured by the Official Poverty Measure (OPM), which measures pre-tax income […]

The 2050 Transportation Plan

By: Diane Benjamin McLean County Regional Planning Commission: Metropolitan Long-Range Transportation Plan 2050 This report will be used by all local governments to make transportation decisions. Reading it will make you aware of what is coming. It is 311 pages, you don’t have to read every page since many are just the same information in […]

Vision Zero

By: Diane Benjamin Remember this story about ZERO deaths or serious injuries by 2030 from automobiles? Instead of calling the program Vision Zero, the McLean County Regional Planning Commission renamed it Go Safe. The purpose of this NATIONWIDE push is to make driving harder. You will be forced to drive at slower speeds instead […]

Bloomington last night

By: Diane Benjamin City Manager Tim Gleason stated the City still has $100,000 to hand out to small businesses. I don’t know if this is the right page, but start here to see if you qualify: The City anticipates ending COVID restrictions on June 30th. Vaccinations will still happen on a smaller scale at […]

Bloomington tonight, ridiculous

By: Diane Benjamin In a perfect example of government believing individuals have no responsibility but government does: The McLean County Regional Planning Commission will make a presentation that includes this: Eliminate fatalities and life-changing injuries from our transportation system by 2030 That is the most absurd statement ever written with tax dollars. I can’t […]

Normal: Agenda 10-5-20

By: Diane Benjamin If you missed the BILLS story, see it here: Firefighters are getting a new contract: Normal will try to collect from the feds, the fed money printing press is ramping up again: This one is more than ridiculous: Quick review: The “professional staff” brought this to the Council many months […]

Connect Transit – what electing progressives got you

By:  Diane Benjamin Contract Transit met on 6/23/2020:  Meeting documentation Can supporters of Connect Transit explain why a system of empty buses with deficits that loses close to 1 MILLION every month is a valid use of taxpayer money?  Whatever they say can’t possibly justify this abomination that only gets worse with continued spending on […]

Bloomington tonight

By:  Diane Benjamin The McLean County Regional Planning Commission  is getting paid by Bloomington: Look at where most of their funding comes from.  Who do you think they are really working for? Does the below apply to Vision Zero?  Not when the contract says information is confidential! End of an era for the […]

Normal’s asininity

By:  Diane Benjamin The Town of Normal is going together with the County, Bloomington, and BNWRD to fund hazardous waste collection days through the Ecology Action Center. PDF page 61: This is common sense since citizens expect nobody associated with the Town to profit off this contract.  Too bad it didn’t apply to this: […]

#4 From Decatur

By:  Diane Benjamin h/t a reader Raise your hand if you’ve always wanted to be just like Decatur! According to this article, Decatur lost 1000 jobs in two years:  2016 and 2017. This recent article says Decatur is annexing property to increase the population – whether people want annexed or not: Tons of articles […]

Bloomington Tonight – Connect Transit and more

By:  Diane Benjamin Tonight a representative from the McLean County Regional Planning Commission will talk about local transit. She will be followed by the Connect Transit’s General Manager. Prediction:  Neither speaker will mention the buses are too big to serve the people with no other means of transportation.  Neither speaker will recognize the huge […]

Isn’t this special

By:  Diane Benjamin Yesterday Alderman Jenn Carrillo posted a video on her Alderman Facebook page instructing illegals on what to do if ICE comes to their house or business.  She claims she has been advocating for illegals for 10 years.  She must think illegals all speak Spanish, she used both Spanish and English.  Jenn is […]

Couple of other notes from Bloomington last Monday

By:  Diane Benjamin Diana Hauman is going to represent Bloomington on the McLean County Regional Planning Commission when her term as alderman ends April 30th.  The MCRPC site shows two vacancies for representing Bloomington.  I do know one of them occurred when Michael Gorman announced he is moving to Chicago.  Green Top Grocery will need […]