Celebrating FDR🤔

By: Diane Benjamin It’s nice to see true colors: . https://www.timesofisrael.com/historian-new-evidence-shows-fdrs-bigotry-derailed-many-holocaust-rescue-plans Franklin Roosevelt was an antisemite. Even Wikipedia agrees: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt_and_civil_rights Don’t forget FDR sent Japanese Americans to concentration camps too. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/fdr-signs-executive-order-9066 FDR also threatened to pack the Supreme Court because they kept striking down his unconstitutional edicts: https://www.history.com/news/franklin-roosevelt-tried-packing-supreme-court (History is repeating itself now!) FDR, elected […]

Can you tell elections are coming? CIRBN!

By: Diane Benjamin I’ve questioned for YEARS why CIRBN employees are considered Town of Normal employees entitled to all the benefits every other employee has. CIRBN is a direct competitor to other internet providers who don’t have that luxury. The Town of Normal has subsidized CIRBN by using their service and paying them to run […]

Good News

By: Diane Benjamin Town of Normal employees didn’t get Christmas gift cards this year. In 2017 Normal spent $25,048, in 2018 $25,040, in 2019 $23,920. https://blnnews.com/2017/11/20/sit-down-normal/ https://blnnews.com/2018/11/16/normal-taxing-again/ https://blnnews.com/2019/12/23/normal-giving-away-your-money-2/ This year is what citizens who aren’t allowed to work by their government expect: $0.00. More Good News: The far left isn’t afraid to tell you what […]

Fake Republican: Dan Brady

By:  Diane Benjamin 43 Illinois House members claim to be Republican.  http://www.ilhousegop.org/members Obviously few Illinois Republicans are also Conservative.  The votes below prove why the Republicans are in the minority in Illinois and probably always will be.  Many Republicans voted with Democrats to steal more money from you.  Living within your means and pensions reform […]

The early voting sham starts Thursday

By:  Diane Benjamin The actual election is November 6th, but thanks to the Illinois progressives, voting starts September 27th. Yep, some people can’t get to the polls without over a month of voting. The purpose of early voting is to make sure people vote before any news comes out that might change their mind.  Votes […]

Normal: All it takes is voters

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 22, 2016 Marc Tiritilli to run for Mayor of Normal Normal—Marc Tiritilli is pleased to announce his candidacy for Mayor of Normal in the election on April 4, 2017. He has gathered the required signatures and is eagerly moving on to the heart of the campaign. Tiritilli said he is basing […]

What you can do NOW for Illinois

by:  Diane Benjamin If government really is For the People and By the People – the PEOPLE need to take participate. Here’s your chance. Term Limits – Term Limits – Term Limits! If you really believe in term Limits – do something to make that happen.  Signatures of Registered Voters are needed to get a […]