No one was denied the right to vote!

By: Diane Benjamin The video below is from Public Comment at the McLean County Board meeting last night. Just hit play. These speakers expect poll workers to be perfect. Perfection doesn’t exist. Nobody is perfect. 4 people spoke and then Kathy Michael. Why anyone would sign up to be a poll worker if they aren’t […]

County meets tonight + Elections

By: Diane Benjamin The Rules Committee didn’t bother to meet to correct the stunt Democrats played in February, so the Public Comment policy is still illegal and not on the Agenda tonight to fix. In case you forgot: Elections: This primary election will prove Illinois’ voting season is a complete waste of money. Turnout […]

Voting? At least be informed first

By: Diane Benjamin Sample ballots area available for everywhere but Bloomington here: I don’t know why Democrats would show up since I didn’t see a single contested election except President and that vote is immaterial. Will Dems vote Republican to take out candidates they hate? I wouldn’t be surprised. Republicans at least have a few contested races:  County […]

3 Things you need to know

By: Diane Benjamin 1) Jeff Fritzen’s case against the Town of Normal and High Haven for how the special use permit was approved got tossed out of court: Hilarious quote from the judge: Judge Foley wrote: “Case law is clear that a home rule municipality is not bound by its own procedures, unless in doing so the […]

Last chance to see people not fighting for toilet paper

By:  Diane Benjamin VOTE Bloomington sample ballots: Everywhere but Bloomington: You have to vote either Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or nonpartisan (only matters for Letory and El Paso-Gridley Schools). Picking a party doesn’t make you a member of that party.  It does prevent you from seeing the same old names on the ballot again in […]

Vote early? Why you shouldn’t

By:  Diane Benjamin If you attended the last mayoral debate at the Doubletree, you know the large room was packed.  Unfortunately, the League of Women Voters and WGLT are holding another debate in Uptown.  Yes, it makes perfect sense to hold a Bloomington mayoral debate in Normal!  (Sure) It’s being held at the ISU Galleries.  […]

Early Voting isn’t delayed

By: Diane Benjamin February 4th early voting is going to start – as scheduled.  Bloomington and the County will be ready, evidently challenges to some Presidential candidates petitions have been worked out. Now, Don’t do it. Once you vote, it can’t be changed.  The actual election day is March 15th.  A lot can change by […]

Elections matter

by:  Diane Benjamin North Korea’s citizens just voted 100% for their dictator. Saddam Hussein got close to 100% of the vote in Iraq. These guys didn’t get high vote totals because the people loved them.  Politicians aren’t elected here because people love them either.  They are elected by special interest groups who show up.  It’s […]