What about the money Bloomington owes VenuWorks?

By:  Diane Benjamin The City of Bloomington has been paying VenuWorks $4,999.98 sporadically since 2016, payments are marked loan principle.  This story says why:   https://blnnews.com/2016/10/06/so-bloomington-claims/ The short version:  VenuWorks paid John Butler (CIAM) for equipment at the Coliseum.  The City is reimbursing them for that purchase.  The total was $299,999, no interest, payments over 5 […]

Last chance to see people not fighting for toilet paper

By:  Diane Benjamin VOTE Bloomington sample ballots:  https://www.becvote.org/wordpress/electiondatesandoffices/specimen-ballot/ Everywhere but Bloomington:  https://www.mcleancountyil.gov/692/Sample-Ballots You have to vote either Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or nonpartisan (only matters for Letory and El Paso-Gridley Schools). Picking a party doesn’t make you a member of that party.  It does prevent you from seeing the same old names on the ballot again in […]

More comments from Normal’s Masters

By:  Diane Benjamin More from the overlords here: https://blnnews.com/2019/04/02/turnout-very-low-and-more/ Chris Koos got the shock of his life when he only won by 11 votes two years ago.  He is even more scared now, facts are pesky things people aren’t supposed to bother with.  Koos found out people do care. Below is an email sent by […]

Dawson + County elections

By:  Diane Benjamin No matter where you live, voting Tuesday is essential.  Even if you don’t live in Bloomington or Normal – there are OTHER elections to vote in. See complete County list here:  http://mcleancountyil.gov/index.aspx?NID=692 I live in Dawson Township. Four years ago out of 447 registered voters, only 75 voted:  http://mcleancountyil.gov/DocumentCenter/View/8115 The people elected […]

More on “Councils Don’t Listen”

By:  Diane Benjamin See this story from yesterday:  Why City Councils Don’t Listen After writing more than 4000 stories, I had forgotten I wrote about the Julie Crowe case when she won the lawsuit:  Julie Crowe Defeats the City of Bloomington That story contains a link to the original Council vote denying her the Vehicle-For-Hire […]

McLean County Board-VOTE!

by:  Diane Benjamin Does anybody remember when McLean County was the conservative bastion of Illinois? Those days are long gone, but you can help repair the damage done by people who think government solves problems.  They don’t, they just throw YOUR money at it. The County strongly believes in looking for money from the Feds […]

Vote! or be ruled by those who do UPDATE #2!

The Sales Tax question is probably on the BACK of your ballot.  I’m getting reports that some election judges aren’t telling you that!  (paper ballot)  Turnout is estimated at less than 25%!  Are you kidding me?  What to pay more taxes – permanently? by:  Diane Benjamin Voting is YOUR sacred right. Make your voice heard […]

Urgent alert: HB2418 – Changes to IL election law UPDATE!

Update: Rep. Mike Tryon said NO Republican will support this bill.  Here are the House sponsors for HB2418. Please call them NOW. They are taking a tally. Barbara Flynn Currie (D) (217) 782-8121 32nd District André M. Thapedi (D) (217) 782-1702 Jehan A. Gordon-Booth (D) (217) 782-3186 CALL THEM. STILL ABLE TO MAKE YOUR VOICE […]


The Tea Party is regularly ridiculed and declared “dead” by the mainstream press and their elitist allies in Washington and Hollywood. Not surprisingly, when Tea Partiers show up and rally by the thousands, they get all but ignored, while 30 Occupy Wall Street crazies in masks will always get wall-to-wall coverage and admiration. TV shows […]

Poll Watching Mike Madigan’s Precinct

by Diane Benjamin We are finally able to release this report.  Acorn like groups are suing people trying to insure election integrity, so we had to make sure it wasn’t going to happen to us.  Even though the story doesn’t mention it, all the volunteers were members of the TEA Party.  This video is a […]