Renner emails Judy AGAIN!

Tomorrow I will print Judy’s response!   By:  Diane Benjamin Tari is a slow learner!  See previous post: Below is his latest email to Judy: Let me help you Tari: REDACTED 201606131459-1 Below are pages 2,3 and 4 with a lot of BLACK AREAS. That’s what has been kept from the public! There’s a […]

Renner & Hauman running scared!

This story has two updates:   By:  Diane Benjamin After Judy Stearns reamed out most of the Council Monday night, Alderman Hauman and Mayor Renner had to attack her via email. Note:  When Judy was on the Council she refused to give me emails under some belief that she shouldn’t.  Now she’s free […]

The truth about 97% agree

By:  Diane Benjamin Lisa Madigan signed up to start prosecuting corporations who deny climate change.  That’s not surprising since she rarely prosecutes corrupt politicians and instead prosecutes businesses.  She needs to see the video below, but most likely facts don’t matter.  They don’t to some ISU professors! What exactly do 97% of climate change scientist […]

More Renner violations

By:  Diane Benjamin Why are Minutes missing from Liquor Commission meetings?  The LAW requires approval within 30 days or the next meeting. Citizen Bruce Meeks filed a Request for Review with the Attorney General and they agreed to investigate:  42623 FI Let Meeks alleges: The 5/24/16 meeting did not have a quorum The only […]

Mayor – Judy Stearns face off again

By:  Diane Benjamin Former Alderwoman Judy Stearns spoke during public comment last night.  Mayor Renner broke HIS own rules and responded to her comments.  Since he responded, so do she, at which time he called her out-of-order. Stearns was there to talk about the majority of the Council not representing the citizens of Bloomington.  She […]

Master Plans weren’t suggestions

By:  Diane Benjamin I remember heated discussions over Master Plans.  The Council was told they were advisory only.  Just because they passed, it didn’t mean the Council had to implement them. Not according to Special Meeting tonight – 6:05 pm. It’s really boring to spend money on funding pensions, repair streets, and maintain infrastructure, so […]

Tonight: Bloomington City Council

By:  Diane Benjamin Mr. Tompkins resigned from the Liquor Commission several months ago.  A number of citizens have documented numerous violations of the Open Meetings Act by the three members during the time Tompkins served.  The other two members are Renner and James Jordan.  Until these violations are resolved, we feel Tompkins isn’t qualified to […]

Coliseum: The rest of the story

By:  Diane Benjamin Today the bird-cage liner did two stories on the Coliseum.  Extensive renovations are happening right now.  Concession sales is the major focus.  Did CIAM have long waiting lines when they managed?  If they did, I never heard it. But a statement by the new manager left something out.  He is quoted saying […]

Mike James is pretending

By:  Diane Benjamin Evidently the Downs Liquor Commission doesn’t meet very often.  See the reports on the Downs website here: The minutes from the April 2016 meeting won’t be approved until they meet again.  The agenda lists renewal of the Adkissons Liquor License.  There is NO discussion on the agenda pertaining to their violations […]

The Adkisson Letter

By:  Diane Benjamin See previous post: I deleted Ken Adkinson’s letter.  He has had enough free publicity trying to justify  breaking the law. Instead, read what I received under the Freedom of Information Act – it proves he was in violation of the liquor code for a total of 24 months. Adkissons.LLC-2    

Mike James: Another job you AREN’T doing!

By:  Diane Benjamin Various reports MUST be filed by law with the Illinois Comptroller.  Mike (laws don’t matter) James has failed to file the Downs annual report and two TIF reports.  TIF’s under corrupt leadership can be used as a slush fund to hand money to friends.  Is that why they aren’t filed Mr. Mayor? […]

Downs is now a Banana Republic

Two follow-up stories: By:  Diane Benjamin See this previous story: One trustee quit last night because he moved outside of Downs.  He did the right thing.  Meanwhile Dan Lush didn’t quit and has no intention of quitting even though he has moved to Leroy.  He gets his mail in Downs and still […]

Trouble in Bloomington

By:  Diane Benjamin I found this story today about personal income from 2014. Personal income in Bloomington went down in 2014 3.2%, but Illinois was up a very slow 1%.  When did Illinois ever perform better than Bloomington?  In this national survey Bloomington was second among metropolitan areas with the greatest decline: What happened […]

Coliseum-John Butler’s ghost

By:  Diane Benjamin The media has never reported on my lawsuit against the City of Bloomington and Central Illinois Arena Management (CIAM) – the old Coliseum manager.  John Butler was the principal agent for CIAM.  Possible fraud or abuse of taxpayers isn’t news. The lawsuit is based on a denied FOIA for the 2014 concession […]

Remember Renner saying . .

By:  Diane Benjamin Numerous times Mayor Renner said they could abolish Parks and Rec and not balance the budget.  It was his way of justifying tax increases. A found this document from 2015 on-line: Many documents exist on-line that were only done once.  This is one of them.  Evidently the City can’t decide on […]

Why BlnNews?

By:  Diane Benjamin The ONLY reason I started is to provide information. I saw first-hand how local media fails to report, investigate, and inform citizens.  They pick what to report based on what makes them popular with government.  Truth matters and citizens deserve it. Too many people don’t vote because they don’t know what […]

Normal: Like being slaves?

By:  Diane Benjamin Start here:  Normal’s Public Comment policy.  Everything in YELLOW is illegal: It’s always risky to believe news in the Pantagraph, but I’m going to use what they reported. The Town is giving away another property plus loaning $2.75 million to the developer.  I wonder if that money was just lying around?   Normal […]

Freedom Facts

By:  Diane Benjamin The “Land of the Free” isn’t as free anymore.  Our freedoms are disappearing rapidly as government thinks they are entitled to control us.  Proof? Economic Freedom index: United States is 11th Human Freedom Index: United States is 20th Lots of organization study freedom, Google more results. So, sit back and […]

240 years and counting

By:  Diane Benjamin 56 men signed the Declaration of Independence.  Their signatures marked them for death by the British government. It seems like everybody quotes: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty […]

The Hoax takes a new low!

By:  Diane Benjamin The climate change believers were unleashed to spew propaganda in the bird-cage liner today.  An editorial by two ISU professors called people who haven’t swallowed the communist green kool-aid part of the “cult of ignorance”. These clowns admit to living in a bubble.   I agree and it’s funded by taxpayers and […]

Black’s “conservative tour”

By:  Diane Benjamin Campaigning for reelection has begun for Alderman Black.  Yesterday he was on Cities 92.9 with two people supposedly from the Illinois Policy Institute.  I’ve never heard of either of them, in fact they never said their last names while I was listening.  Scott had them totally snowed into believing he was a […]