Proof of government fail – Joni Painter

By:  Diane Benjamin During the discussion of business licenses alderman Joni Painter asked Economic Development guy Austin Grammer about the “One Stop Shop”.  That was supposedly a program in development for more than two years to make it easy for investors to start businesses in Bloomington. Every Wednesday a large group of bureaucrats meet, investors […]

Big Government Boot

By:  Diane Benjamin The citizens of Bloomington were shown last night that local politics is NOT non-partisan.  The heavy hand of government crushed the people and businesses. Only extremists are too blind to see the national economy booming when that hand was removed in 2016.  Unemployment is at historic lows, wages are rising, more people […]

Why did Bloomington write a check to Shirk Foundation?

By:  Diane Benjamin On September 20th I reported a check labeled “refund” written to the Shirk Foundation for $75,000. The City stalled my FOIA, I finally received an answer late Friday. In 2009 the Shirk Foundation made a donation to the BCPA for the Creativity Center. Since nothing is happening there, except the City […]

Proof of ISU indoctrination

By:  Diane Benjamin This article was posted in the ISU newspaper – the Vidette – on September 27th and updated on September 30th. These kids don’t know a thing about innocent until proven guilty.  They have never been taught what “due process” means.  If it was up to them, Brett Kavanaugh would have been […]

Bloomington – Let’s Tax Monday!

By:  Diane Benjamin Bills and Payroll: Celebrate: More employees getting a higher pension by spiking: SLBB is Sick Leave Buy Back – a penalty for allowing this will be coming I don’t know why they went to Indianapolis, the question is:  Did they have to send FIVE?  ↓ Agenda: Seriously?  A liquor license for Game Time […]

Clerk debate – laughable

By:  Diane Benjamin The room was packed with citizens last night wanting to hear the two candidates.  There was easily over 200 people, standing room only. Nikita Richards continued her attacks on Kathy Michael, including that she violated the law by delaying early voting.  It didn’t matter that Michael had the permission of the State’s […]

Mitchel Mohr guilty (Sonetz accident)

By:  Diane Benjamin Mohr was originally charged with 4 traffic violations: See these previous stories: Somehow the speed violation got reduced to 1-10 above the limit instead of what was originally reported:  71 miles per hour in a 55 mile per hour zone. Keep in mind his cell phone was never checked, the […]

Amber Buck has Mikey

  By:  Diane Benjamin Last night Amber decided to show up at Mikey’s house with the police and take him.  Armed with Judge Hill’s order giving her temporary custody, she succeeded.  No Massachusetts court has given her permission to leave the state with Mikey, that could change today.   Meanwhile, Michael Cadena is still in jail. […]

Local GOP asks for Nikita apology

By:  Diane Benjamin This morning Connie Beard, McLean County GOP chair, held a press conference.  (Note: the GOP is led by a woman!  Democrats aren’t) The purpose was to touch on three topics: 1)  Referendums The GOP has placed three on the ballot.  The first two will only be on the County ballots.  These two […]

Update: Mikey Update – serious happenings

From sources  in Ma: Amber was denied custody! Change:  Michael is not being released today, holding him to determine if warrant is valid. Michael is being released today, judge doesn’t think the warrant is legal!     By:  Diane Benjamin Amber Buck may have violated her probation with a FAKE call to the police in […]

Atlanta Library – Elevator/Alcohol update

By:  Diane Benjamin As reported in this story: The museum elevator does not have a current inspection certificate as required by law. No, the State is not behind on approving inspections, they were at one time but they aren’t now. A FOIA request for inspection reports produced this hard to read document:   inspection […]

Nikita not apologizing for lies

By:  Diane Benjamin At least 2 Peoria TV stations  and WYZZ covered the lies told by Nikita Richards in a local church last Sunday.  The local Republicans asked her to apologize for claiming Kathy Michael broke the law by delaying the start of early voting.  If you missed that story, see it here: Nikita […]

McLean County GOP News Release

Press Release:   10/1/18 Statement by Connie Beard, Chairman McLean County Republicans. “It has been brought to my attention through various sources that Ms. Nikita Richards, Democratic candidate for McLean County Clerk, appeared at a local congregation and during her campaign presentation accused Kathy Michael of breaking the law by delaying the start of early voting.  […]

Normal’s spending tonight

By:  Diane Benjamin Redbox Workshop does design work, why Normal is paying isn’t known: Both Bloomington and Normal contribute the same amount I’m betting you aren’t on the list to receive one Needs no explanation Did they need a consultant? Being green doesn’t matter when it’s somebody else’s money Normal doesn’t […]

Bloomington rushes zoning, WHY?

By:  Diane Benjamin The zoning changes Bloomington has been working on since 2016, and paid $125,000 to a consultant for, are being heard and voted on TONIGHT! No, tonight isn’t a regular meeting, it isn’t even a Committee of the Whole.  It’s a Special meeting called only for the zoning changes. Two hours and twenty […]

Nikita: Lying in Church

By:  Diane Benjamin If breaking the law by campaigning in churches isn’t bad enough, Nikita Richards must think congregations will fall for anything – including lies. Nikita really has nothing to run on, so she has created division and racial tensions by claiming discrimination and voter suppression.  She has to create her own fact to […]