Fly on the Wall: Pam Reece

Does the Normal Town Council know they are Reece’s boss? Does Reece know she works for them? Does Reece know she can’t dictate the speech of Trustees? Does Reece know she can’t bar your representatives from representing? Is Reece preventing NPD from investigating electioneering? Is she barring release of findings? Will the results be buried […]

Normal not only stabbed taxpayers, they billed you!

By: Diane Benjamin More on this story: Normal declared war on it’s citizens and uses their money to take them out! The above story shows the people who supported Chung’s bill to legalize Normal’s illegal operation. Since you knew nothing about this bill you couldn’t object. The only reason we know about it now […]

Heard cheaters never prosper? Vote NO and they won’t

By: Diane Benjamin Below is what was put in staff mailboxes at Colleen Hoose and possibly other Unit 5 schools. It does not have a name other than the Vote Yes symbol used by the Political Action Committee who is trying again to raise your property taxes after failing in November. This is obviously a […]

Normal: You should be embarrassed

By: Diane Benjamin Is Normal embarrassed they have TWO unsolved murders of young woman attending ISU? They must be since they refuse to release unredacted documents and most interviews from the 1975 case. What they did release shows leads were not documented as being followed up on. The 5th episode of Carol’s Last Christmas was […]

I’d love to hear how Normal Police explain this one

By: Diane Benjamin Imagine the neighborhood bully attacks you in your driveway and does this with a knife? Then the Normal police arrest you for defending yourself even though other neighbors and your family tell them the victim wasn’t the aggressor? This happened last May to a Veteran named Chad Berck. Charges against him were […]

Another Normal Officer fired

By: Diane Benjamin This make TWO officers since May, the first one fired: I received a tip from a reader about an officer being placed on administrative leave. The tipster thought the officer quit. It took two FOIA requests and a “look again” to find out he was fired. My first FOIA was filed […]

Equal justice under the law?

By: Diane Benjamin No, this has nothing to do with the election. It does have to do with Judge William Yoder. None of the news stories pertaining to the former Normal Police Officer who admitted stealing $12,000 said who the judge was. The only way I know is from a WGLT picture: How can […]

You can’t handle the truth!

By: Diane Benjamin The best line in a really good movie. It applies here. First: I’ve added some email comments from parents to this story: The stories are heartbreaking and the actions of school boards, superintendents, teacher’s unions, Pritzker or whoever else is keeping kids from being in school should be considered criminal. They […]

Normal Does It Right (surprised?)

By:  Diane Benjamin This was posted to the Normal Police Department Facebook page yesterday: The police are out patrolling anyway so this doesn’t violate Gov. Pritzker’s essential services only order.  Normal also isn’t picking any winners and losers – they want to reach everywhere in Normal. They could have picked a better photo to go […]

A Fireman’s story

By:  Diane Benjamin Bloomington may have a problem with one of their firefighters.  Unfortunately most of the information I received under FOIA is redacted.  Since he hasn’t been charged or even disciplined, I am withholding his name.  The sources that gave me information claim this isn’t the only problem this guy has had, he just […]